7:30 PM Top of the First Please rise and remove your caps… Cast: Andrea Quach, Chris Lewitzke, Christine Ollinger, David Shadburn, Jamal Newman, Jason Re, Lauren Gabel, Katie Munn, Mark Benjamin, Steve Karig, Taylor Kniffin 7:38 PM LOLgorithm: Freaks, Geeks, and Beeps… Read More

WIT's board of directors supports the organization through strategic guidance, fundraising, networking, and more. If you're interested in supporting WIT through board membership, there's no wrong time to start a conversation. Read More

Who will succeed Beverly Crusher as the next FIST Champions?  It will be one of these teams. The Competitors Add Lib Stephen Fasulo, Conor Mittelstadt, Halley Theorin Alka Sssssssssseltzer Jesse Cleary-Budge, Lari Hotra, Emma Lance Ambition… Read More