Big News: We need your help in writing WIT’s next chapter

At WIT, we’re in the business of dealing with (and embracing) the unexpected. Still, WIT just received some news that took me aback. Believe me, if you had told me last week that I would be writing this note to you today, I wouldn’t have believed it.

I’ll put the news out there: last week I was informed that WIT’s lease at Source wouldn’t be renewed and that August would be our last month in the space. This was entirely unexpected. This means we are losing access to the black box, the upstairs spaces where we host classes and other events, as well as our administrative offices. 

Source has been our home since 2008 and we know this presents a lot of challenging emotions for the people who created so many amazing memories there. 

But WIT’s identity is not inextricably intertwined with Source, nor DC Arts Center or CentroNia. It’s in the big-hearted spirit of our community and in the values and passion we share in exploring and sharing this craft. Our people are what makes this organization so amazing. You and this whole community have enabled WIT to survive a pandemic and will help us launch this next chapter.

We are already planning our next phase and we want you to be involved. We are launching a search for a new home for our classes, performances, and rehearsals. Here’s how you can help:

  •  Refer us to people who control spaces in the District. We’re collecting responses on two forms: one for classes and one for performances. These forms include specs on exactly what we’re looking for. If you control a space yourself and would like to talk about working with WIT, you can email directly.
  •  Spread the word: If you don’t know about a space directly, maybe someone in your network does! You can share this PDF via email or share this graphic via social media.
  •  Talk to us about sponsoring a space: We are open to big conversations about new partnerships. If you’re an individual arts supporter or represent a corporation that wants to make a big impact in the community, we would love to talk to you about opportunities to fiscally sponsor a new home for WIT. Please email me directly at

This change is scary. But it’s also a great opportunity: to create new relationships and bring our art to new and different places and to new communities.

This is going to be amazing. We’ve got your back,

Mark and the team at WIT HQ




What else can I do to help?

If you’ve already exhausted your network for connections (thank you!) there’s one more thing you can do. If you value what WIT brings to DC consider becoming a monthly donor. Donations were a lifeline for WIT during the worst of the pandemic and our donor community will help us get through this too as we work to stabilize our revenue from classes and shows.


When will the last shows at Source be?

We have regular show runs planned for the spring and summer. Our last run at Source will be Improvapalooza, August 22-28.


What about other venues like DC Arts Center?

We are pursuing performance dates beyond August at our other regular venues, as well as new ones. As soon as we have future dates confirmed, we’ll share that.


What about Harold night, planned to start its return in April?

Our goal is to find another home (or homes) to allow us to keep this Tuesday night happening after August. In the worst-case scenario, we’ll have to take a hiatus starting in September, but that still gives us five months from April through August!

March 14, 2022