“I cannot go to school today,” said Little Peggy Ann McThisHaroldTeam Read More

Enacted 1.27.2021   WIT’s “No Retaliation” policy describes our organization’s provisions towards individuals who speak out against instances of harm due to micro-aggressions and/or manifestations of systemic oppression. This policy ensures that staff members, independent contractors, volunteers and all other WIT stakeholders with oppressed identities feel… Read More

Schedule:   12:00 PM MTV’s Next Remember the hit MTV dating show from 2005-2008? Well you’re about to! Cast: Mark Abman, Ryan Brookshire, Sarah Burstyn, Kate Dydak, Bex Ehrmann, Bizzy Fain, Charles Lipper, Emily McCormick, Daniel Miller, Lauren Pagani, Cara Popecki, Chris Pugliese, Allison Theveny, Madeline Turrini   12:16 PM Dyéndae… Read More

12:00 PM Unfortunately We Cannot Offer You A Position At This Time Unfortunately We Cannot Offer You A Position At This Time is a celebration of every time you’ve ever put yourself out there and been told “nah”. Rejection sucks, but you DON’T! Cast: Matt Alexander, Lori Carpenter, Sophia Colon,… Read More