Audition: WIT ensemble The Hypothesis seeks new members
WIT ensemble The Hypothesis is thrilled to host auditions on Saturday, Aug. 20 and Sunday, Aug. 21. Please fill out the audition form by Thursday, Aug. 11 at 5 PM.
The Hypothesis seeks scientists and science enthusiasts who have at least one year of improv experience (classes, workshops, shows, etc). We strongly encourage people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and voices to consider auditioning. A scientific background is a plus, but not necessary.
About The Hypothesis
The Hypothesis combines science and improv to both inform and delight audiences.
The Hypothesis starts each show by providing information to the audience, either through a talk by a special guest scientist or by answering a science question from the audience (ex: How does memory work? Why is the sky blue? What happens in a black hole? Can you terraform Mars?). These openings both inform the audience and also provide a basis for the following premise-based montage, which heightens and builds on itself as it goes.
The team exclusively consists of scientists and science enthusiasts with diverse science backgrounds — ranging from neuroscience to ecology, from climatology to psychology, and everything in between. We are open to and excited about developing new formats, with the angle of injecting each performance with science and improv. In the past we have performed at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (doing improv inspired by stories told by the Smithsonian’s paleontologists), partnered with Story Collider, and even presented at the American Geophysical Union.
Our shows are supportive and silly. We strive to have strong premise-based initiations, and then follow the fun wherever it leads. We are nerds at heart, adore each other, and have each others’ backs no matter what.
The Hypothesis’ cast features: Ceci De Robertis, Tom Di Liberto, Nina Hsu, and Jordana Mishory. We tend to perform two or three times during WIT runs, though that could increase based on cast member interest and availability. We do not have a coach and we do not regularly practice, although we are aiming to host a few get-to-know each other events and rehearsals once we add new cast members based on everyone’s availability.
The Hypothesis is looking for the following skills and qualities in cast members:
- ability to clearly pull and initiate premises from an opening
- ability to support and respond to initiations and ideas
- experience in, a passion for, and/or a curiosity about science
- identification of character point of view and scene dynamics / games
- emotional range and vulnerability
- ability to join and support scenes and mirror scene partners with energy and agreement
- clear sense of silliness, joy, and play
Auditioners must provide documentation of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 including a booster shot (please see note about exemptions on the WIT page on COVID-19 safety).
A note, we are tentatively holding Wednesday, Sept. 14 for possible callbacks, play-ins, or (if need be) additional rounds of auditions in case auditioners need to cancel for COVID reasons.
Questions? Please email Jordana Mishory at jordana.mishory@gmail.com.
Want to see us in action (and/or learn about how memory works / why is the sky blue)? Here are some sample Hypothesis shows: