Zach Mason

Zach Mason has been praised for his character work. Usually like, “A lot of interesting characters... a lot of sad characters.”

Zach has studied performance and writing under Annie Barry, JC Calcerano, Ali Farahnakian, Will Hines, Kevin Mullaney, Beth Newell, Sarah Pappalardo and many more. He was a founding member of the WIT Harold team Diviglio. Zach has also performed at the Kennedy Center as part of WIT’s Unpaged to Stage show and in multiple New York theaters as part of the Del Close Marathon. He is now the co-director―with Lura Barber―of the WIT special project show In Lieu of Flowers.

When not working on comedy, Zach composes music, creates illustrations, and teaches his cats to high-five.

Photo by Jeff Salmore

Favorite Historical Figure
Kate Bush
Hidden talent