Kelly Shannon

Kelly came to DC from Wisconsin and immediately began searching for fried cheese curds. She never did find fried cheese curds, but she did find improv.

Kelly began improv in 2019 after chickening out of a stand-up class. Since then she has gone through the WIT curriculum 1.8 times, participated in Improvapalooza, competed in FIST, and found a love of improv!

In her spare time, Kelly enjoys extolling the virtues of public transit, spending time with her two cats (Samson and Oliver), and attempting to remember how to say “bag” without a Wisconsin accent. When Kelly prompted her family for interesting facts she should share they replied with: “you’re a recovering horse girl” and “you once constructed award-winning pretzels.”

Current Ensembles
Personal motto
Maybe I should sleep on that
Favorite snack
Cheez-Its or anything cheese related really