Karyn Wilson
Washington Improv TheaterKaryn started doing improv because all of her favorite podcast hosts do improv.
After hearing so much about improv on podcasts she decided to search for improv classes in DC. Lucky for Karyn, WIT was starting a new class session the next week! So she signed up, got hooked, and completed all the core classes. She performed on the WIT Harold team Out Sick and now performs regularly with Heavy Rotation and indie team The Quitters.
Karyn was born and raised in Washington DC but left for 4 years to attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Go Badgers!). She now works at a non-profit ice skating arena. Outside of work, Karyn can be found ushering concerts at the Anthem, attending local theater shows, or telling someone about the last podcast she listened to. That third one is difficult though because Karyn listens to a lot of podcasts and everyone is tired of hearing about them.