Aubrey Peterson

Aubrey has poor impulse control, so she decided that improv was the best way to take advantage of it!

Following some undergraduate acting classes and a disastrous stint as an after-school theater teacher, she completed her formal training at the Washington Improv Theater in early 2019. Aubrey has since taken several workshops (Intro to Clown! Take it!) to hone her ~craft~. She aims to build interesting characters and is almost guaranteed to break at least once a show. Sorry, laughing is fun!

Aubrey has a steady job, but her real legacy will be responding to all comments with an unironic shaka/“hang loose” sign or thumbs up gesture. In her spare time, she likes reading murder mysteries, solving murder mysteries, and causing murder mysteries. She also enjoys hiking and crème brûlée.
Current Ensemble
Favorite Snack
Favorite Color
Childhood Nickname
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