WIT Releases FY19 Annual Report

Washington Improv Theater released our annual report for fiscal year 2019 (July 1, 2018 – June 1, 2019) detailing the remarkable growth and increased reach of WIT’s work. 




WIT’s accomplishments for FY19 include:

  • Record-breaking numbers of participants in our Improv for All workshops, including our series for furloughed federal employees.
  • Bold and innovative new performances like The Fourth Estate and Starship Odyssey: The Final Mission.
  • Dramatic growth for WIT@Work organizational trainings.

Thank you to all our incredible donors who have helped facilitate this incredible work. Through the end of 2019, gifts to the WIT Community Fund will be doubled thanks to a pair of generous donations. Up to $7,000 in donations will be matched by gifts from Holly Hassett and from Sean Ellis and Melanie Harker.

The WIT Community Fund shares our craft with every corner of the District, from students in DC Public Schools to veterans returning to civilian life. Read our summary of the projects supported by the Fund, to learn more about the impact these programs make.

December 3, 2019