Morgan Goetz

Morgan Goetz spent the first 23 years of her life in Texas then went off to explore the rest of the country.

She moved to San Francisco and then decided it was time to see the east coast, a real reverse Manifest Destiny. She began improving in 2012 as a member of Freudian Slip at Texas A&M University.

Morgan performed improv in Freudian Slip at Texas A&M as a permanent member in a short and long form setting and performed monthly at the college auditorium. Following graduation from her job moved her to Dallas where she continued to pursue her improv education at Dallas Comedy House (DCH). Morgan attended the year-long improv training program there and then auditioned for a house troupe and joined Purple Reign. After her time in California where her day job took away from her ability to join a program in the bay area she is happy to be back on stage with WIT and excited for a new experience with new players!

Morgan works by day in IT at a financial institution, but by night she is a full-time dog mom. She gets into the nitty gritty of dog parenting with her chi-weenie, for example teaching him the meaning of being neutered and adopted.

Favorite Snack
Flaming Hot Cheetos
Favorite Historical Figure
Abe Lincoln: Vampire Slayer