William Ferriby

Will loves making authentic and creative connections with people through improv, building support for a communal goal.

He is a home grown WIT improvisor, having started right from level 1 here in Washington D.C. Will particularly enjoys exploring deep emotions in scenes. He also physical humor and exploring the full three dimensions we inhabit.

Outside of improv, Will is an avid hiker and cheap but fun kayaker. You’ll find him in the woods and highly underrated swamps of Maryland. He aims to visit all the Maryland State Parks and know our local area. Will also teaches chemistry for high school students, where the ability to authentically respond to bizarre claims is frequently relevant.

Current Ensembles
Favorite local tree species
Wye Oak
Favorite color
The color of Potassium Permanganate, or the particular shade of teal that Hydrogen gives off when an electron transitions from the fourth to second energy level of the atom