Michael Kopalek

Mike has been a longtime WIT fan but only recently started taking improv classes, at which point he committed hard to the bit. He's an aspiring writer, amateur music guy, and schlocky actor who will do anything - and he means anything - for said bit.

Mike took Level 1 improv in early 2020, and his showcase was on the very last day Source Theatre was open before the pandemic! He picked back up with level 2 in late 2021, and finished the curriculum earlier this year. He’s in several groups including Dead Plant Society and Thems Me Vices, and has performed at Source, Studio, DCAC, Improv Brunch, and Palooza.

Mike has several major writing projects spinning and hopes to be a published author sometime in the coming years. He’s been studying guitar for several years, and wrote a zombie musical (a love story!) which he’d like to premiere at DC Fringe Fest in 2023. He recently joined a chorus and got involved with NOVA Odyssey of the Mind. He enjoys the beach but can only really be ON the beach for like 2 hours at a time, 3 hours max.

Favorite flavor ice cream AND toothpaste
Personal motto
Did you ever see End Game? I think I did but honestly not sure. Was the really long one featuring Gwenyth Paltrow?