Mary Canter
Washington Improv TheaterMary took her first improv class in 2015 after friends signed her up and she's been gangbusters about it ever since. (Mary's friends are wise and wonderful.)
Mary has studied improv and/or sketch at Washington Improv Theater, DC Improv, Unified Scene Theater, Annoyance Theater, Upright Citizens Brigade, and The Second City Chicago. Mary recently participated in the 48 Hour Film Project with Odlaw Productions, whose film “Goup” earned a spot in the Best Of and won the award for Best Use of Prop (a paintbrush).
Mary is a Northern Virginia native but a New Yorker at heart. After years in the Big Apple, she’s still carless and fits pepperoni pizza into her meatless diet. During performances, audiences may see hints of Mary’s background. Her years as a trained dancer imbue her “flabbergasted noodle” movement style with a certain grace.
Mary can currently be seen performing with WIT ensemble Die! Die! Die!, Unified Scene Theater house troupe Request for Protest, and indie trio Gator Ray.
Photo by Jeff Salmore