Lauren Jordan
Washington Improv TheaterLauren is a boss-ass bitch. What more is there to say?
Lauren is a WIT curriculum alumna who also participated in sexual health improv during her undergrad career at the esteemed University of Michigan. She is also a co-founder of I Don’t Know Her (IDKHer) a WIT-groomed troupe of black women who have built community through playing together.
A soup enthusiast who hails from the Great Lakes state of Michigan, Lauren loves negro-spirituals, anime, fashion, and house music. She is a strip-club connoisseur who has lived in several states and visited many countries. She is fluent in realness and sarcasm. A cellist, a playwright, a karaoke-lover, a storyteller, a serial entre/intrapreneur, Lauren will keep you on your toes. Can you keep up?