Jason Re
Washington Improv TheaterAfter his decade-long illustrious career of running barroom trivia nights ended, and due to his deep-rooted need for attention, Jason began his improv journey with WIT in the summer of 2016 and was instantly hooked
While he started with WIT, he finished his improv training at San Diego’s Finest City Improv (FCI) while on a two-year self-aware midlife crisis where, besides sitting on the beach, he contemplated getting a SoCal sleeve tattoo (he didn’t). He has performed in several indie teams as well as WIT’s Harold teams Ruth and That’s So You. Additional improv credits include 2nd place in FCI’s 2018 Cage Match tournament and WIT’s special project (Y)Our Town.
A native of Springfield, Virginia, Jason is the youngest of six children and even as an adult, insists that he’s his parents’ favorite. During the day, he teaches high school which he has described as basically an improv jam with more drama.