Cara Popecki
Washington Improv TheaterAlways a Cara, often a character. Her favorite part about teaching improv is seeing students surprise themselves and the joy that ensues.
Cara’s teaching comes from a place of love for the craft and for her students. She is big on creating an environment that fosters a brave space for students to feel both safe and confident. She wants students to adapt a growth-mindset in class with the belief that feedback is the fertilizer for blooming into a magnificent improviser. Students will ideally leave her class with the ability to play authentically and to the top of their intelligence. Cara had a wicked good time in her improv classes and she will work hard to ensure her students do too!
Cara completed the WIT curriculum in early 2017. She played with indie darlings The High-Fivers until she joined the WIT Harold Team Captain PhD in late 2017. Prior to her improv-life she worked in education, as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, and marketing project manager. She’s thrilled that she gets to blend her teaching background with her love for improv.
Student Feedback
Cara's penchant for ha-has started when her baby brothers laughed at her Baby Bop impressions. Then, as a classroom teacher, she made her students groan at her daily puns. Now she gets to be the kid by playing and laughing constantly.
She completed the WIT curriculum and sketch writing classes at WIT and Drafthouse Comedy. She has performed with indie teams like The High Fivers, Andiamo, and Menstrual Pains. She is also part of the sketch/improv indie threesome known as CAKe. She is proud of a plastic banana trophy her team, The High-Fivers, won once at a “very serious” competition.
If her dog Maev could write a book it would be titled: Eats, Naps, and Cuddles.