WIT releases FY17 annual report
WIT is proud to release our FY17 annual report—a book that documents a year of our continued growth in every area of programming. We featured new and innovative programming, expanded our network of students and teachers, and continued our mission to make improv more accessible to all Washingtonians – from classes and shows to Improv for All workshops.
Our organizational highlights include:
- Staging a total of 330 shows to 23,000 audience members including the debut of the drama Citizens’ Watch and an audience-immersive POTUS Among Us
- Reaching a record of 1,545 enrollments in our classes program thanks, in part, to wider elective offerings
- Debuting our diversity scholarship program, which supported seven students in its first quarter
- Expanded our youth P\programming and delivering 22 classes to 300 young people free of charge
- Increasing WIT@Work trainings from 38 in FY16 to 60 in FY17, reaching 2,000 participants in both new and returning organizations
Thank you to all our incredible donors who have helped facilitate this incredible growth. To help support WIT, you can make a donation here or contact Dan Miller via email (dan@witdc.org) to discuss supporting a specific area of programming.