

8:00 PM Manny’s Famous Dragon Tattoo: The Dragon Has Three Heads

We can’t escape the stage. We are the ultimate in Group Mind. Kinda like the Borg if they assimilated a Dragon.

Cast: Gina Cordero, Matt Guttentag, Richie Nguyen, John Roller, Nancy Safavi.


8:16 PM Yeezus Tweets Us

“you may be talented, but you’re not kanye west.” – Kanye West

The Twitter musings of Kanye West have inspired both amusement and nausea in individuals across the globe. Often without context, Kanye inserts his rarely warranted, never humble thoughts into the Twitter-sphere. In this act, he will continue to do exactly that.

Cast: blind casting.


8:27 PM Mc Slimm Slappy, The Grocery Store DJ

A clever and inventive performance, heavy on audience interaction and a commitment to Yes And. Attend with an open mind and ready to participate.


8:32 PM A.K.A Presents: Katie’s Bachelorette Party

One week prior to beloved member Katie Rush’s wedding, A.K.A. will celebrate her upcoming nuptials on stage playing characters at an unconventional bachelorette party based on the audience’s suggestion.

Cast: Abby Fu, Katie Rush, Ami Krasner


8:43 PM Today in History-prov

“Study the past if you would define the future [scene].” — Confucius

Cast: Ryan Alloway, Paul Hitlin, Alex Kazanas, Jordana Mishory, Liz Sanders, Lilly Schruben, Ross Townsend


8:54 PM The Invisible Knapsack

This is a subversive improv comedy show, y’all. Named for Peggy McIntosh’s seminal article unpacking the daily effects of white privilege, Invisible Knapsack aims to unpack, examine, and scramble the harmful “isms” and power paradigmns that exist in life and find their way into too many improv scenes.

Cast: Cara Hayes, Eva Lewis, Mary Lauran Hall, Michael Bales, Richie Nguyen,  Jamal Newman, Ryan Schleeter, Sabahat Chaudhary, Sam Bonar, Stacy Hayashi, Zac Chase

9:09 PM Huggy Spreadums: The Field Trip

The first ever field trip to the audience’s suggested location is sure to be an educational experience! Can the teachers and parent chaperones co-exist? Where are the student’s minds at in all of this? What will everyone REALLY learn on this trip?

Cast: Chris Orvin, Henry Ring, Nic Small, Jared Smith, Lauren Woody


9:24 PM HIJINX: Hostages

Four old friends are held hostage and have to find out who kidnapped them.

Cast: Amanda Hirsch, Jordan Hirsch, Sean Murphy, Greg Tindale, Coach: Joe Uchno


9:39 PM JorDenny Presents: Proximity

Jordana and Denny smushed their names together to form JorDenny, but in Proximity they’ll explore the audience-determined space between them.

Cast: Dennis Johnson, Jordana Mishory


9:50 PM Door #3 Presents: Cocktail! The Musical!

Like cocktails? Like gaps in your memory? Like musicals? Like cocktails? Come enjoy a cocktail third-of-an-hour with Door #3’s Cocktail! The Musical!

Cast: Beth Lyons, Laura Brown, Taunya Ferguson, David Steib, Julie Tice, Katie Dunn, James Freeman, Tony Lopez, Paul Rosenberg OR Jim Levy



Come, improv explorers! We will traverse this mighty stage and its surroundings with triumph in our hearts! No corner of the space shall go unplayed upon!

Cast: Michael Alvino, Sam Bonar, Sarah Katz-Hyman, Dan Milliken, Jonathan Murphy, Henry Ring


10:16 PM Cuddle Up!

Ever want to be in two places at the same time? Cuddle Up! makes it possible (no theoretical physics required).

Cast: Liz Sanders, Christina Floriza, Steve Major, Devon Grams, Kim Righter, Caroline Chen, Jason Walther, Jeff Bollen, Dan Miller


10:27 PM Fisticuffs Presents: 100 Years Ago Today-prov

Greetings friends, do adjust your monocles and roll up your sleeves. Fisticuffs is about to wallop you with some 100 year old improv!

Cast: Amanda Barber, John Heiser, JJ Jackson,Jordana Mishory, Katie Ozog, Richie Pepio


10:42 PM Improvised Blue Man Group

Three crazy improvisers, one wordless improvised experience!

Cast: Chris Ulrich, Sam Bonar, Stacy Hayashi


10:47 PM El Five: Stovetron RadioX

El Cinco: Stovetron Radio X presents their very own live radio show! When they open up the caller lines for a suggestion, we’ll hear the hosts share a special story that will inspire this throwback-themed radio show using the Harold structure!

Cast: Michael Alvino, Jacob Chadwick, Clare Foran, Pierre Gaunaurd, Melissa Gedney, James Haverty, Angela Karpieniak, Nils Klinkenberg, Kian McKellar, Aaron Merrill, Veronica Norman, Michael Turletes


10:58 PM Greek Gods: Salesmanship

Greek God super fans are on a quest for sales and glory at the mall.  

Cast: Anika Davis, Steve Major, Kim Righter, P.J. Tabit


11:09 PM Pac-Man Ghosts Student Showcase

The four Pac-Man Ghosts perform at their student showcase!

Cast: Adam Koussari-Amin, Audrey Mattaino, Bryan Jackson, Dan Milliken, Erica Geiser, Jared Smith, Jordana Mishory, Katie Ozog, Lauren Woody, Macey Schiff, Richie Pepio, Ryan Krull, Ryan Schleeter, Sam Bonar, Stacy Hayashi


11:20 PM JAM