
12:00 PM TwiMPROVster

You can take the improv out of the location, but you can’t take the game out of improv in this Twister-meets-improvisation experience.

Cast: Elizabeth Fulton, Mitch LaCombe, Katy Grossman, Kaitlin Kemp, Torey Doverspike, Rosie Grant, Stephanie Kozikowski, Tyler Laminack, Tony Lazzeroni, Kelsey Peters, Emily Ralph, Ginnie Seger, Chris Sloan, Kaelan Sullivan, Patrick Wheeler, Heather Marie Vitale, JJ Jackson, Emily Crovella, Faith Laurie, and Geoff Blizard. 


12:20 PM “High” Society

High Class, Low Expectations. How does what you wear reflect on who you are or how you’re expected to behave?

Cast: Bindi Bhagat, Jennifer Bryan, Daniel Calingaert, Neil Chakrabarti, David Dolinsky,
Ryan McCloskey, and Kristen Ruga.


12:31 PM Anime Improv Episode 3: SCANDAL! Love Grows? It’s Time to Power-Up!

Are you ready for fighting good time? Watch as an entire troupe of anime tropes take the stage to give you the best beginner’s showcase you’ve ever seen! BELIEVE IT!

Cast: Alex Apostolos Kazanas, Yotam Gingold, JD Gore, Katy Grossman, Adam Koussari-Amin, Ryan Krull, Katie Ozog, and Macey Schiff.


12:38 PM Casting Director-prov by Christina Ricci

Casting directors, as they say in the industry, are the unsung heroes in the business. The casting office is where an aspiring actor’s career can take flight or burn down in flames. Watch what happens when we put each other through the ringer and hold live auditions on the spot, with scripts that don’t exist about films that haven’t been made (YET).

Cast: Christina Floriza and Richie Nguyen.


12:43 PM Improv Sabotage!

Improv sabotage! 4 improvisors will work together to accomplish a task suggested by the audience. Unbeknownst to them, one of the improvisors will be a secret saboteur selected by the audience to work against the group. DUM DUM DUM! Once the saboteur is caught the interrogation begins.

Cast: Stacey Axler, Erik Heaney, Michael Beerman, and Brian Petriello.


12:54 PM C’Mon and Zoom

C’Mon and Zoom! Fun games, silly snacks, and zany crafts. What will the cast enthusiastically show you this time?! Jubust yubou wubait!

Cast: Sarah Katz-Hyman, Heather Marie Vitale, Katie Ozog, Samantha Schifrin, Geoff Corey, Samara Strauss, and JJ Jackson.


1:05 PM “Greener on the Other Side”

Ever wonder what your life would look like if your wildest dreams came true? If you worked at your dream job, lived in your dream city, and were married to your dream partner? Would you be truly happier or is indeed the grass greener on the other side? To find out come check out our show “Greener on the Other Side.”

Cast: PJ Tabit, Eric Wild, Adam Levine, Joe Iannuzzi, and Sabrina Shahmir.


1:16 PM Hot & Sweaty: The Musical

Cops with thin mustaches. Self-loathing self love while watching Sir Ronald Jeremy. Frantically deleting your browser history. We’ll cover all these topics and more in Hot & Sweaty: The Musical.

Cast: Nancy Safavi, Randa Stephens, Nayla Kawerk, Saleh Karaman, David Stauffer, Anna Rieper, Laura Havel, Dan Lebrecque, Tok Moffat, James Freeman, Kaitlin Kemp, and Sherrita Wilkins.


1:27 PM Scenes from a YA Novel

Admit it: YA novels are a guilty pleasure. Maybe even a straight up pleasure. Find out what happens when improvisers get their hands on a page from your favorite YA book.

Cast: Ceci De Robertis, Sarah Katz-Hyman, Marianne Lalonde, Faith Laurie, Tony Lazzeroni, Steve Major, Dana Malone, Andy McIntyre, Marc Reber, Emi Ruff, John Schmitz, and Heather Marie Vitale.


1:38 PM Waiting with Loretta

Enjoy the company of Loretta while you wait for your table at Honey Creek Resort in beautiful Moravia, IA

Cast: Caroline Blair Pettit


1:45 PM Sir Confessalot

All confessions between family, lifelong besties, significant others, and frenemies and the corresponding fallout.

Cast:Jyoti Tibrewala, Ed O’Brien, Andy McIntyre, David Richman, Geoff Corey, Jeff Aich, Kris Shenenberger, JJ Jackson, John Schmitz, Brent Huggins, Max Dreo, and Shijit Dasgupta.


1:56 PM Memento-prov

So where are you? You’re on some stage. You just wake up and you’re in a scene. It feels like maybe it just started, but maybe you’ve been there for a minute, or 15. It’s kind of hard to say. I don’t know. But Memento-Prov will try to figure it out.

Cast: Luke Hennig, JJ Jackson, Faith Laurie, Tony Lopez, Joe Randazzo, David Richman, Jyoti Tibrewala, and Caroline Yates.


2:07 PM Olympic Puff Piece

As the Olympics draw to a close, NBC has been waiting for the right time to air a video segment on the world’s most interesting athlete. That time is now.

Cast: Mary Canter, Darnell Eaton, Harry Kacak, Dan Koffman, and Amy Purcell.


2:18 PM Improvised Shark Tank

A group of vicious venture capitalists compete to fund totally improvised inventions.

Cast: John Carroll, Julia D’Ambrosi, Christina Floriza, Sarah Katz-Hyman, Marianne Lalonde, Faith Laurie, Tony Lazzeroni, Steve Major, Joseph Parry, and David Richman.


2:33 PM Invocation Only!

Former WIT Harold Team Breaker Breaker returns to Palooza to perform their *legendary* (in their own minds) interpretation of the classic Harold opening, The Invocation! And nothing else.

Cast: Taylor Edwards, Bryan Jackson, Dana Malone, Matt Mansfield, Katie McDermott, and Dan Milliken.


2:40 PM The 1950’s Housewives Presents: Thank Goodness We Have Husbands!

1950’s housewives are back! But this time they bring their husbands!

Cast: Nicolette Argyros, Kristin Brown, John Carroll, J.J. Jackson, Ryan Krull, Rob Miller, Rich Nyman, and Macey Schiff.


2:51 PM Vegemite Sandwich

A cavalcade of Aussie accents set backstage at a Men At Work meet-and-greet where a pack of affable blokes and shielas muse, quip, and drink patiently for their heroes to arrive.

Cast: Sam Bonar, Steve Major, Dana Malone, Marc Reber, Andy McIntyre, David Richman, Goli Samimi, Alex Kazanas, John Schmitz, Luke Hennig


3:02 PM Bell Curved Presents: The Next Great American Novel

Looking for that next great read? Look no further! Bell Curved Presents: The Next Great American Novel will hit all the highlights of your summer reading list. You won’t want to put us down!

Cast: Elizabeth Fulton, Katy Grossman, Kaitlin Kemp, and Mitch LaCombe.


3:13 PM Adult Bat Mitzvah

A 30-year old woman gets bat mitzvahed with the same awkwardness of a 13-year old.

Cast: Sam Bonar, Adam Fishbein, Molly Graham, Sarah Katz-Hyman, Faith Laurie, Steve Major, Andy McIntyre, Dan Miller, David Richman, and Heather Marie Vitale.


3:24 PM Poké-prov

Get ready for the ultimate improv battle – Pokémon style. Two trainers will call upon some poke-provisors to face each other and find who will be the very best.

Cast: Erick Acuña, Ryan Alloway, Geoff Corey, Derek Hayes, Stephanie Kozikowski, Macey Schiff, and Kelsey Peters.


3:39 PM Colwell that Ends Well

Ever wonder what a date with Elaine Colwell during the Elizabethan era would be like? Well quit wondering and come see Elaine go on a tinder date with a stranger, on stage, and only speak in iambic pentameter in “Colwell that Ends Well”.

Cast: Elaine Colwell, Sam Bonar, Tinder Date, and an Audience Member.



Do you love science? WE F*CKING LOVE SCIENCE. Watch as all of life’s burning scientific questions get answered!

Cast: Mary Ann Badavi, Joe Dawson, Justine Hipsky, Rob Miller, Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Joe Randazzo, and Megan Smith.


3:57 PM Thank You For Sharing Presents: Sharing For You Thank

No, you’re not having a stroke – Thank You For Sharing presents Sharing For You Thank, a backwards Harold!

Cast: Kristin Brown, Dina Finkel, Adam Fishbein, Matt Grossman, Matt Guttentag, JJ Jackson, Will Setrakian, and Eli Sloan.


4:12 PM Hold on, I Have to Take This…

Sorry, I have to grab this… Hello…Yes my fridge is running Why?….

Cast: Sarah Houghton, Bryan Jackson, Dan Milliken, and Erin Murray.


4:19 PM Silent Movie

An improvised silent movie! #yesandCharlieChaplin

Cast: Blind casting.


4:30 PM Inception-Prov

When you need a critical piece of information from someone, do you simply ask for it?! Of course not. You dive deep into their dreams to extract it! But whose dream are you in? And how many layers of dreams will you go?! Inception-Prov will find out!

Cast: Jamie Bingner, Adam Koussari-Amin, Dan Miller, Rob Miller, Jonathan Murphy, and John Windmueller.


4:45 PM It’s a Wonderful Life

Imagine if THAT (special, important, life changing) THING wasn’t a thing. Team Just Bingo Night show us what happens. It’s a Wonderful Life meets your life.

Cast: David Arrojo, Gideon Grudo, Joey Hunziker, and Kelsey Sweeney.


4:56 PM Keaton, Kilmer, Clooney, Bale

Batman takes improv and takes is seriously, but sometimes real life comes crashing in. Come see Batman’s Improv Student Showcase this weekend!

Cast: Greer Smith, Joe Uchno, Bryan Jackson, and a fourth cast member TBD. 


5:01 The Lodge Sings the Classics

The Lodge goes MUSICAL in a memorable montage of made-up numbers!

Cast: Jesse Young, Jared Smith, Mark Carroll, Steve Karig, Omar Parbhoo, and Luke Hennig.


5:16 PM You’re Invited Presents: You’re Invited Right Now!!

You’re Invited – yes YOU! We’d love to do a 30 second scene with you just because you bravely raised your hand!

Cast: Ceci De Robertis and J.J. Jackson.


5:21 PM Home Alone: Lost at Palooza

That prankster Kevin McAllister is at it again, and this time, he’s lost at Improvapalooza. Be on the lookout for his shenanigans, ya filthy animals! These days, Kevin is what the French call, le improviser.

Cast: Ahmed Amonette, Ben Frazell, Brent Huggins, Carl Huynh, Adam Koussari-Amin, Dana Malone, and Jyoti Tibrewala. 


5:32 PM Vidalia Heights: Taste the Melodrama

How do seven community shared agriculture volunteers navigate, each with different dreams and drives, navigate the produce aisles of life? Organic sweat and tears. Vidalia Heights is always raw and anything but conventional.

Cast: Mary Canter, Brianna Lux, Taylor Edwards, Pat McKee, Ray Simeon, Alex Kazanas, and John Schmitz.




6:00 PM You’re Listening To

Ever wonder how radio stations decide their formats? This group will create a bunch of them in a super quick and fun way.

Cast: Topher Bellavia, Pete Bergen, Ryan Brookshire, Sarah Bucher, Elaine Colwell, Rachel Garmon, John Heiser, Eva Lewis, Dana Malone, Dan Miller, Jonathan Murphy, Katie Ozog, Sara Rouhi, Liz Sanders, and Julie Tice.


6:16 PM Lawyer v. Lawyer

An improvised trial based on your complaint.

Cast: Nick Bourke, David Gavin Steib, Eva Lewis, Matt Winterhalter, Sabahat Chaudhary, and Nancy Safavi.


6:27 PM Aboulia! in: Choose Your Own Adventure

Aboulia! embarks on another improvised adventure… and this time they’ll need the audience’s help! In this energetic choose-your-own-adventure-style show, the audience chooses what happens next. Will these punchy adventurers get lost? Will they ever find their way back home? Will they fall in love … or fall off a cliff!? Their fate is in your hands!

Cast: Brianna Lux, Scott Holden, Katie Honerkamp Lazo, Justin Schram, Katie McDermott, and Austen Villemez.


6:42 PM Burger: Where’s the Beef?

After an early exit in FIST, Burger wants to know… what will make you like us?

Cast: Sam Bonar, Elaine Colwell, and Bryan Jackson.


6:49 PM Huggy Smalls Presents: The Legend of Huggy

Watch a video game come to life before your very eyeballs. Even if you’re a noob, speedrun with us into an imaginary world. There may be combo moves, fatalities, bosses, Easter eggs, tunnels and uppercuts. Prepare to get pwned.

Cast: Jenna Hall, Jared Smith, Henry Ring, Em Fiske, Nic Small, and Richie Nguyen.


7:00 PM WHOA NELLY! Sportscasters Discover Improv

The cliche driven hyperbole of sports commentators bring their A-game to long form improv action.

Cast: Pete Bergen, Mary Canter, John Heiser, Kaitlyn Hemingway, Mikael Johnson, Tyler Laminack, Tony Lazzeroni, Katie McDermott, Jamal Newman, and Kelsey Peters.


7:11 PM Avogadro’s Other Number: Scientist Improv

Climate change! Microbiomes! Ocean trenches! If you can science it, we can improvise it.

Cast: Sam Bonar, Ceci De Robertis, Tom Di Liberto, Margaret Lee, Peter Narby, and Caroline Yates.


7:22 California King Presents: Blindfolds!

Do you want to combine the fun of improv comedy with the danger of blindfolded improvisers wandering around stage? Well, California King has the show for you! Our improvisers will be blindfolded at the outset of the show and forced to navigate their scenes without sight.

Cast: Nicole Barrett, Mary Canter, Mike Colucciello, Darnell Eaton, Harry Kacak, Dan Koffman, Matt Mansfield, and Amy Purcell.


7:33 PM How Fascinatoring Presents: Brexit

Pip Pip Cheerio! (and by “cheerio,” we mean goodbye. It’s Brexit time, it is, it is!)

Cast: Jordana Mishory, Ceci De Robertis, Catherine Grothus, John Heiser, Jeff Hughes, Isabel Galbraith, Tony Lazzeroni, Greer Smith, and Katie McDermott.


7:44 PM BAT Nox!

Nox! is turning off the lights and bringing back THE BAT.

Cast: Alex Beard, Bri Lux, Aaron Mosby, Lura Barber, Matt Winterhalter, and Sean Ellis.


7:59 PM Father and Son Do Improv Together for the First Time

They’ve known each other for 29 years but have never improvised together before. In life, they are father and son. On stage, they are just improvisers.

Cast: Adam Fishbein and Mitch Fishbein.


8:10 PM Parking Lot Pioneers 2: The Beerquel

The greatest tailgaters in the history of the world are ready to convene once again. You tell us what we’re tailgating for and we’ll start pre-gaming for it.

Cast: Topher Bellavia, Katie Dunn, John Heiser, Luke Hennig, Mike Hendrix, Dave Johnson, and Jared Smith.


8:21 PM #ImWithKittens

Election 2016, Kittens to Believe In.

Cast: J.J. Jackson, Ceci De Roberts, Jordana Mishory, Dana Malone, Ami Krasner, Abby Fu, Katie Rush, Brianna Lux, Katie Honerkamp Lazo, Caroline Chen, and Macey Schiff.


8:36 PM Last Man on Earth

He’s the last man on earth. Survival is essential. But how can he hunt for food when he’s stuck trying to remember the theme song to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air?

Cast: Jonathan Murphy and Aaron Merrill.


8:41 PM LIZARD GIRL Presents: Lizard McGuire

If you believe that we’ve got a picture perfect plan, we’ve got you fooled — because this is improv! Love, Lizzie McGuire.

Cast: Mikey Blunschi, Tyler Laminack, David Lapkoff, Sarah Leibach, Dan Milliken, Shealy Molpus, Jessica Norman, Bryce Slinger, Jared Smith, and Vic Whitten.


8:56 PM Starlight Sh*Boom

In the future, humankind has scattered across galaxies, but remains united…by DANCE. Join hosts Axel Spreadsheet and Jillette Razor for Starlight Sh*Boom, the multiverse’s HOTTEST dance television show, where all the *gleep-glorpiest* new moves are generated through the magic of “virtual improvisational reality.”

Cast: Isabel Galbraith and Dan Milliken.


9:07 PM Faculty Lounge

A selection of WIT faculty puts their teaching into practice with a fast paced, don’t-think-just-do improv show.

Cast: Alex Beard, Coonoor Behal, Pete Bergen, Sam Bonar, Ryan Brookshire, Mark Chalfant, Justus Hammond, Paul Hitlin, Lisa Kays, Margaret Lee, Eva Lewis, Matt Mansfield, Dan Miller, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Jonathan Murphy, Katie Ozog, Caroline Pettit, Amy Purcell, Liz Sanders, Macey Schiff, Jason Walther, and John Windmueller.


9:22 PM School BOOKS

I mean we all think school is the WORST! Let BOOKS show you how entertaining school can actually be!

Cast: Tonya Jordan, Kristin O’Brien, and Zach Mason.


9:33 PM The Writer: An Improvised Novel

A New York Times Best-Seller that you won’t be able to buy!

Cast: Ceci De Robertis, Bryan Jackson, Mikael Johnson, Tony Lazzeroni, Brianna Lux, Colin Murchie, and Greer Smith.


9:48 PM MTV Unplugged

You remember us from the 90’s and aughts, we had that hit or two. We’ll sing the hits with a spattering of colorful banter.

Cast: Sam Bonar, Rich Nyman, and Mike Hendrix.


9:59 PM Sabado Picante: Dia de los Gringos

Dios mio! Time to tune into your favorite all-Spanish improvised telenovela!

Cast: Ceci De Robertis, Erick Acuna, Matt Mansfield, Elizabeth Cutler, Tony Lopez, David Steib, and Katie McDermott.


10:14 PM Addicted to Prov

You might as well face it — you’re addicted to ‘prov. And so are Robert Palmer and the ladies of the “Addicted to Love” video.

Cast: John Carroll, Isabel Galbraith, Brianna Lux, Jordana Mishory, Katie Ozog, and Liz Sanders.


10:25 PM The Wonder Years Presents: The Dunder Years

Ever wonder what the day-to-day looks like behind the walls of every office building? The Wonder Years Presents: The Dunder Years, a look inside America’s workplace.

Cast: Jeff Bollen, Elaine Colwell, Juliann Gorse, Tim Harkin, Harry Kacak, Rob Miller, and Sarah Yoo.


10:40 PM Throne of Game: The Sparrow is SO High

An Improvised Game of Thrones Episode brings George RR Martin’s classic to the WIT stage.

Cast: Lura Barber, Pete Bergen, Matt Berman, Mary Canter, John Heiser, Bryan Jackson, Tony Lazzeroni, Bri Lux, Katie McDermott, Jonathan Murphy, Jamal Newman, Dan O’Neil, and Kelsey Peters.


10:51 PM Call Waiting LIVE!

Who still calls each other?! Found out as we skip texting for the night and instead travel a crazy communication chain of personalities, relationships, and fun!

Cast: Adam Koussari-Amin, Rob Miller, and Katie Ozog.


11:02 PM High Crhymes: Well-Suited Rhymes

The most skilled wordsmiths of high society gather to rap about an unusual crime.

Cast: Elaine Colwell, Katie Dunn, Bryan Jackson, Andy McIntyre, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Liz Sanders, and Jared Smith.


11:17 PM Sextuplets

What goes on in the minds of unborn babes? Take a look inside the womb as we hear the inner thoughts, worries, hopes and dreams of the Smith family’s 2nd Trimester sextuplets.

Cast: Patrick Bragan, Mary Canter, Scott Hopmann, Emily Markle, Brandon McTavish, and Chris Rampolla.


11:28 PM Dream

Audience suggestions in random order inform a fluid scenic dream where one reality cascades inevitably into the next.

Cast: Mark Chalfant and Blind Casting


11:39 PM Mediterraneo

This duo will seal its love of romance with a kiss.

Cast: Topher Bellavia and Dan Milliken.


11:54 PM Team XXX Presents: Bundleprov Redux

Join Team XXX as the fun comes out and the clothes come off!

Cast: Sam Bonar, Elaine Colwell, Adam Koussari-Amin, Ryan Krull, Marianne Lalonde, Katie McDermott, Rob Miller, Jordana Mishory, Katie Ozog, and Macey Schiff.