

You’ve never seen this many people agree so BIG. Hell, you’ve never seen this many PEOPLE. It’s not your grandmother’s Harold: it’s a MEGAHAROLD.

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Derek Hayes, JJ Jackson, Erica Geiser, Lauren Woody, Jeff Bollen, Adam Fishbein, Bryan Thren, Zach Mason, Madeline Dunsmore, Adam Koussari-Amin, Christine Burgess, Geoff Blizzard, Geoff Corey, Elijah Sloan, Kristin OBrien, Aaron Merrill, Veronica Norman, Molly Graham, Amy Purcell, Matthew Guttentag, Justine Hipsky,  and Jennifer Koch.


8:20 PM Beverly Crusher Goes to the Movies Alone

Beverly Crusher does the format of Going to the Movies Alone. Who wore it better?

Cast: Lura Barber, Dan Miller, and Jonathan Murphy.


8:35 PM Danny Tanner

Kids, sometimes life teaches you valuable lessons in mysterious ways. We just think that putting our arm around you to spell it out is the best way.

Cast: Coonoor Behal, Jeff Bollen, Sam Bonar, Mark Chalfant, Ari Koudounas, Eva Lewis, Dan Miller, Rob Miller, and Liz Sanders.


8:46 PM Crowded Elevator’s 15-Minute Film Fest

Crowded Elevator Pictures produces their latest short film – right before your eyes!

Cast: Sean Paul Ellis, John Heiser, Tony Lazzeroni, Brianna Lux, Jamal Newman, and Matt Winterhalter.


9:01 PM Came in Like a Wrecking Ball

It was such a grounded scene until someone pulled a Miley Cyrus and CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL. But the show can’t stop, won’t stop!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Sam Bonar, Sabahat Chaudhary, Jesse Chimes, Elaine Colwell, Jenny Koch, Ari Koudounas, Adam Koussari-Amin, Brianna Lux, Rob Miller, Jordana Mishory, Jonathan Murphy, and Satish Pillalamarri.


9:12 PM Jackson, Millissippi: Three-Act Country Song

In the tradition of country music classics like “Don’t Take the Girl” and “Love, Me,” Jackson, Millissippi perform a narrative trio of scenes destined to rip your little ol’ heart right out.

Cast: Bryan Jackson and Dan Milliken.


9:23 PM noMusical

King Bee presents No-musical; Imagine if the world was almost a musical! King Bee will preform scenes where they almost, but no quite, break into song.

Cast: King Bee.


9:34 PM Couch Money Presents: Couch Mommies

Couch Money pays a heartwarming tribute to their Couch Mommies. #EveryDayIsMothersDay

Cast: Derek Hayes, Lauren Woody, Erick Acuña, Ben Frazell, Kelsey Peters, Martin Steger, Rebecca Schmidt, Katie Watkins, and Ryan Alloway.



Trustfall takes the stage… just not the floor, so they don’t burn in HOT LAVA!!

Cast: Chris Sloan, Rosie Grant, Torey Doverspike, Ginnie Seger, Tyler Laminack, Tony Lazzeroni, Kelsey Peters, Kaelan Sullivan, Emily Ralph, and Stephanie Kozikowski.


10:00 PM SiaProv Presents: Scenes from the Chandelier

SiaProv doesn’t need dollar bills to have fun tonight, just an audience suggestion.

Cast: Coonoor Behal, Jenna Hall, Michael Hendrix, John Heiser, Tyler Laminack, Dana Malone, Rob Miller, Dan Milliken, and Caroline Yates.


10:11 PM Lunch-prov

Lunch-prov is two people having lunch and one has a secret or confession to tell the other that would ruin lunch. The secret or confession will be gotten from the audience. Then the lunch will play out like it’s in a relatively nice and crowded restaurant.

Cast: Jamal Newman and Matt Berman.


10:22 PM Bombay Vindaloo Presents: Chicken Tikka Masala

Bombay Vindaloo performs an improvised Bollywood movie, complete with love stories, super villians, fake mustaches, and random song and dance numbers.

Cast: Shravan Amin, Coonoor Behal, Sabahat Chaudhary, Rashee Raj Kumar, Pia Nargundkar, Satish Pillalamarri, and Marc Reber.


10:37 PM Wacky Waiters: Room for Dessert?

Did anyone leave room for dessert? Tonight we have wacky with a nice crazy glaze.

Cast: Pete Bergen, Matt Berman, John Heiser, Andy McIntyre, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Jamal Newman, Caroline Pettit, Joe Randazzo, and Macey Schiff.


10:52 PM Juxtaprov!

The most dead serious silliness you’ll ever see. Complete with somber background music, dramatic lighting, and the deadpanniest of faces, Juxtaprov! tackles solemn issues like peepee, cooties, and [pause for effect] boogers, with all the gravitas we can muster. It’s the ULTIMATE high-brow low-brow ONE-TWO PUNCH.

Cast: Lura Barber, Sam Bonar, Isabel Galbraith, Derek Hayes, Michael Hendrix, Mikael Johnson, Dana Malone, and Veronica Norman.


11:03 PM Buck Fifty Presents: EARHART — An Improvised Herstory

Where my Historical ladies at? It’s time for your Hip Hop biography!

Cast: Joe Dawson, Liz Sanders, and Greg Tindale.


11:14 PM CSI Miami-Prov Season 3: Crime & PUNishment

CSI Miami-Prov Season 3. This time, David Caruso is not word-playing around.*

*Ummm…. Of course he is.

Cast: Tom Achilles, Matt Berman, Ryan Brookshire, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Shealy Molpus, and Satish Pillalamarri.


11:25 PM Starring…

How many fake names for fake TV characters can Liz Sanders invent? An infinite number. They’ll roll of her tongue, and come to life, in this show from Madeline.

Cast: John Carroll, Isabel Galbraith, Jonathan Murphy, Dan O’ Neil, Liz Sanders, and Macey Schiff.


11:32 PM In Bed

Players in underwear or sleepwear improvise scenes set in/on/around bed/s, inspired by fortune cookie fortunes read aloud. This year we may have two beds to facilitate alternating between scenes faster.

Cast: Blind Casting (including Mark Chalfant).


11:47 PM Opening Old Wounds

Every Palooza, happy couples that are very much in love perform improv together, and it’s nauseatingly adorable. We’re here to tell you it’s not all unicorns and roses. We are three former improv couples, ranging from 1.5 to 7 years together. Our relationships did not last, but our love for improv did. Will this give us closure? Probably not. Let’s open some old wounds and perform together.

Cast: Isabel Galbraith, Ryan Krull, Brianna Lux, Jamal Newman, Justin Schram, and Matt Winterhalter.


12:02 AM Breaker Breaker’s Perfect Pizza Party Part III: PIE-FECTA

You hungry, kitten? Then stick around for Friday late-night, because former Harold Team Breaker Breaker’s got a little slice of goodness for EVERYONE! Also, they’re going to feed each other and do a monoscene.

Cast: Bryan Jackson, Dana Malone, Matt Mansfield, Katie McDermott, and Dan Milliken.


12:12 AM Soda Jerks

Ice cream never tasted this salty.

Cast: Alex Beard and Sean Ellis.


12:19 AM Cinema-shory

Like rewatching your favorite movies? You’ll love seeing them interpreted live.

Cast: Jordana Mishory


12:26 AM Mr. Sandman Presents: Mr. Sandman Live at the Acropolis!

Be mesmerized! Captivated! Inspired! As you enjoy improv to the soothing sounds of Yanni Live! at the Acropolis!

Cast: Zach Beattie and Caroline Blair Pettit.



12:33 AM I Want My MummyProv

How far can these improvisers get in their scenes before they’re stripped of all words? Let’s find out in I Want My MummyProv!

Cast: Abby Fu, Jenna Hall, Michael Hendrix, Tyler Laminack, Dana Malone, Ginnie Seger, Kaelan Sullivan, and Caroline Yates.


12:38 AM Chariots of Fire

The Female Accent brings the passion and depth of Chariots of Fire to the stage in this one-night-only performance!

Cast: John Carroll, Adam Fishbein, Jenna Hall, Thomas Harris, Alex Kazanas, David Lapkoff, James MacIndoe, Renan Snowden, and Ross Townsend.


12:43 AM Balls 

It’s improv featuring the rules of dodgeball. You throw balls at us from the audience. You hit us, we’re out of the show. We catch it, you’re out of the audience.

Cast: Tyler Laminack, David Lapkoff, Sarah Leibach, Shealy Molpus, Jessica Norman, Henry Ring, Nic Small, Jared Smith, and Katie Watkins.


12:48 AM Carrie Brad-Prov

Put on your pink, tulle skirt, y’all, because Carrie Brad-prov is in the house. Watch us create scenes about life, love, etc., then sum them up with a nice, neat “moral-of-the-story” lines, in true Carrie fashion, only, rather than typing it into a laptop, we’ll do it before your very eyes! “That’s when I couldn’t help but wonder…were we the troupe you had been searching for all along?”

Cast: Jessica Norman, Liz Sanders, Ginnie Seger, Sarah Liebach, Rosie Grant, Kelsey Peters, Kaelan Sullivan, Dan Milliken, and Mark Chalfant.


12:53 AM Vivian Goes to the Movies

Join Vivian at the movies – it’s her first movie since 1943 and first time out of the house since 1994!

Cast: Elaine Colwell and Dan Miller.


12:58 AM ASMR X 2

Two voices and 2-4 mics create an audio-only show to stimulate the autonomous sensory meridian response in the best of us.

Cast: Ryan Brookshire and Mark Chalfant. 


1:03 AM Hamilton: LIVE!

Tickets to Hamilton are expensive, which is why we’re going to perform the entire show for you. No one can stop us.

Cast: John Carroll, Jordana Mishory, and Liz Sanders.


1:10 AM We Do Nothing

What if you went to a show and nothing happened?

Cast: Jamie Bingner, Sara Roui, and Alison HIll.


1:13 AM Improvisers Imitated

You’ve seen them onstage. Now see them SAVAGELY (yet lovingly!) impersonated by their friends and peers!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Pete Bergen, Jeff Bollen, Sam Bonar, Jake Chadwick, Elaine Colwell, John Heiser, Alex Kazanas, Adam Koussari-Amin, Tony Lazzeroni, Dana Malone, Katie McDermott, Dan Milliken, Alan Prunier, David Richman, Macey Schiff, John Windmueller, and Caroline Yates.


1:23 AM Longform Line at DCM

The Del Close Marathon is the largest improv festival in the world, it also has the longest lines in improv. Join a rag-tag group of improvisors as they travel through time waiting in line at DCM.

Cast: Danielle Deraney, Rosie Grant, Kelsey Peter, Tony Lazeroni, JJ Jackson, Jonathan Murphy, Emily Ralph, Emi Ruff, Ginnie Seger, and Heather Marie Vitale.


1:28 AM West Wing 4Ever

President Bartlett’s term may be up, but you know that his spirit lives on even beyond the White House Halls! We’ll be looking to you, the American Voter, to help us get a sense of the kind of wit, wisdom, and guidance on the issues of today that you’re really looking for. Help us keep the hope alive: West Wing 4Ever!

Cast: Geoff Blizard, David Byrd, Ceci De Robertis, Nick Martinez, and Jyoti Tibrewala.


1:33 AM Gator Ray Presents: Eating Contest

The world’s two best eaters are in DC for one night only. Come see who comes out on top!

Cast: Mary Canter, Dan Koffman, and Amy Purcell.


1:38 AM Two Many Cooks

The Best Cooking show ever!

Cast: Dan Milliken, Ryan Krull, Katie Ozog, and Macey Schiff.


1:43 AM Dizagnio

Diviglio meets up for a lasagna dinner and become Dizagnio. Table manners are not their strong suit.

Cast: Zach Mason, Kristin O’Brien, David Brescia-Weiler , Jesse Chimes, Harry Kacak, Sabrina Shahmir, Caroline Yates, and Sam Bonar.


1:53 AM Are You Afraid of Awkward Sex in the Dark?

Sex is rarely a beautiful, perfect act of love. It’s, like, awkward as hell.

Cast: Geoff and Samantha.


1:58 AM Baby Makes 3

I’m a wittle baby and these are my parents.

Cast: Ryan Krull, Dan Milliken, and Katie Ozog.



“Pillowtalk. My enemy, my ally.” Zayn Malik really gets us.

Cast: Alex Beard, Jeff Bollen, Dina Finkel, Adam Fishbein, Erica Geiser, Jose Lopez-Sanchez, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Macey Schiff, and Katie Watkins.


2:08 AM Endless Slapout

Endless Slapout storms the stage with an endless supply of energy, new characters and, of course, SLAPPING.

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Ceci De Robertis, Geoff Blizard, Adam Fishbein, Andy McIntyre, JJ Jackson, Sam Bonar, Marianne Lalonde, Sarah Ann, Erick Acuña, Ryan Alloway, Macey Schiff, Lauren Woody, Elaine Colwell, Melissa Gedney, Shealy Molpus, Ryan Krull, Adam Koussari-Amin, Bryan Jackson, Derek Hayes, Sarah Bucher, Jared Smith, and David Richman.


2:13 AM Man Down!

Always standing up is boring. Put the improvisers in their place! Bell Curved: Man Down! will keep the performers on their toes by placing one above the rest. It’s good to be on top!

Cast: Elizabeth Fulton, Katy Grossman, Kaitlin Kemp, and Mitch LaCombe.


2:18 AM Making a Murderer

Improv inspired by the hit Netflix documentary series of the same name.

Cast: Ryan Alloway, Mary Canter, Ceci De Robertis, Bryan Jackson, Adam Koussari-Amin, Jordana Mishory, and Alan Prunier.


2:23 AM Fancy Carolina Boyz

Three good ol’ Carolina Boyz explore the human condition, whatever that means.

Cast: Patrick Wheeler, Tyler Laminack, and Kelsey Peters.


2:28 AM The Improvised Case of Benjamin Button-Line

A show born under unusual circumstances that can only be understood backwards, but performed forwards.

Cast: Michael Alvino and Ryan Brookshire.


2:33 AM Spit Take — Mic Drop

We will do a montage show based on a suggestion while periodically doing spit takes (with actual cups of water) and dropping microphones (“real” toy microphones)

Cast: Madeline Dunsmore, Aaron Merrill, and Rich Casey.