
8:00 PM Love Onion Presents: The Bonoscene Harold

Bono the rocker. Bono the humanitarian. Bono the perpetual sunglasses wearer. In “Bonoscene Harold” Love Onion will perform an entire show with each player encapsulating a different aspect of U2’s Bono.

Cast: Stacy Hayahi, Sam Bonar, Zac Chasen, Amy O’Brien, Margaret Lee, Coonoor Behal, Tim Hunt, Tim Harkin, and Stephen Carter.


8:20 PM We Came to Dance

Tired of talking heads?  Come see people move and shake, creating magic out of big and small movements.  We Came to Dance. Did you?

Cast: Kate Bresnahan, Jeff Hewitt, Jeff Hughes, J.J. Jackson, Sarah Katz-Hyman, Davine Ker, Laura Labedz, Robert Lovejoy, Marc Reber, Ellen Reiterman, David Richman


8:31 PM Quirkin’ 9 to 5

Quirkin’ 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin’! Parton the pun, but these crazy coworkers have a full day’s quirk ahead of ’em. So punch in, grab a seat, and enjoy the Fonda!

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Deirdre Daly, Zach Mason, Kristin OBrien, Abel Vandegrift, Mike Waxman


8:42 PM Babylon

Debuting at Improvapalooza last year, Babylon presents a truly multi-lingual montage, where every character speaks a different language. Heightened physicality and emotional play makes the scenes riveting, as the audience will listen for the cognates and try to solve for X. What’s more, there’s a meta level of enjoyment for audience members who have studied some of the languages in use, as they try to scrape the rust off.

Cast: blind casting, tbd


8:53 PM Origin Story

When this baby hits 88 miles an hour, you’re going to see some serious shit. Everyone’s got an Origin Story, and one of yours will send us careening back through history, where we’ll stop and dust off every origin story you’ve never even thought to wonder about — and the ones that keep you up at night. No Tardis, DeLorean, or Time-Turner necessary.

Cast: Darren Cunningham, Sarah Flocken, Chris Trice


9:04 PM Uncanny X-prov

Oh no, the original X-Men team has been kidnapped!!! Join Professor X as he recruits a new team of mutants, each with their own unique abilities and qualities. Can these new mutants prove themselves to the professor and survive their first mission!!! Find out at Uncanny X-Prov!!!

Cast: Jeff Bollen, Stephen Carter, Elaine Colwell, Tim Harkin, Stacy Hiyashi, Tim Hunt


9:15 PM Request for Protest Presents: Crime Blotto!

Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? In Request for Protest presents Crime Blotto, good, bad, ugly and absurd collide to bring you in depth coverage of shocking misdeeds, scandals, crimes…and mystery. Justice may stumble, but she always prevails.  

Cast: Mary Canter, Emily Markle, Brandon McTavish, Pat Bragan, Scott Hopmann, Chris Rampolla


9:26 PM Mime-Prov

Five Mimes do Improv. A silent show in full makeup.

Cast: Steve Major, David Richman, John Windmueller, Taylor Edwards, Julia D’Ambrosi


9:37 PM 1943

Monoscene focused on never-ending gifts and exploration of strong characters and relationships. Full of giggles.

Cast: Yuliya Malamud, Reaves McElveen, Jamal Newman


9:48 PM The Pet Project Presents: A Walk on the Wild Side

Iguana say this is one fish-y show full of panda-monium and we aren’t kitten you!  Animals tolerate our puns–or do they?  Find out in this fun and silly exploration of the wild side.

* thanks to my cast mates from last year’s Palooza for the puns: Christina, David and Jordana

Cast: Ceci De Robertis, Christina Floriza, Brent Huggins, Rhonda Mendoza, Jordana Mishory, Ellen Reiterman, David Steib


9:59 PM Hunt/Chase

Detectives detecting, investigators investigating, police policing, cops policing, and more!

Cast: Tim Hunt, Zac Chase


10:10 PM TRUE

Loosely based on the popular Budweiser commercial series of the same name, TRUE will explore real life issues with honest characters and emotional connections.

Cast: Jeff Bollen, Sam Bonar, Stephen Carter, Elaine Colwell, Juliann Gorse, Tim Harkin, Amy O’Brien, Max Postman


10:21 PM The Female Accent Presents: NOIRPROV

Get out of The Big Heat of The Asphalt Jungle and watch The Femme Fatale Accent attempt to solve a mystery unlike any other. Forget it, Jake, it’s Improv Town.

Cast: Christine Burgess, John Carroll, Adam Fishbein, Thomas Harris, Alex Kazanas, David Lapkoff, James MacIndoe, Ross Townsend, Coach: Sam Bonar.


10:36 PM Came in Like a Wrecking Ball

It was such a grounded scene until someone pulled a Miley Cyrus and CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL. But the show can’t stop, won’t stop!

Cast: Jamie Bingner, Sam Bonar, Zac Chase, Sabahat Chaudhary, Ari Koudounas, Adam Koussari-Amin, Scott Long, Rob Miller, Jordana Mishory, Jonathan Murphy, Adriana Usero


10:47 PM A Night at the Movies

Klaus Hergeshimer and his reviewing partner, Terence Sweetwhistle, disagree on everything. Come see them discuss the latest (made-up) movies with the help of poorly-impersonated celebrities!

Cast: Conor O’Rourke, Jon Milstein, Matt Stephan, Seth Alcorn


10:58 PM Ugh: Don’t Give Us That Sass (JK, Do it)

Ugh has some choice words for you, audience member. And they’re ready to hear yours right back. (In character, of course.)

Cast: Aron Baum, Denny Johnson, Adam Koussari-Amin, Ryan Krull, Dan Milliken


11:13 PM Happily Ever Laughter

A hilarious, brand new fairy tale based on a title and country of the audience’s choosing.

Cast: Steve Major, Dina Finkle, Kristin Brown, Matt Guttentag, Adam Fishbein, Julia D’Ambrosi


11:24 PM JAM