Ellie Klein

Ellie moved to DC in 2012 after living in the south of Spain where she gained a reputation for not speaking Spanish and talking to the neighborhood cats.

Ellie started doing improv in 2014 and has committed herself to socializing with people that make her laugh and tell her yes ever since. She has completed the WIT curriculum and can be seen performing with her indie teams, and improv crushes, Company Blood Drive, Jam Jam, Mystery Improv Theater, and Dreamlover (formerly known as Boy Meets Dawson’s Slayer by the Bell). After seeing the first round of FIST in 2016, Ellie’s mom asked that she keep her day job.

Outside of improv, Ellie spends most of her time watching The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and related spin-offs, and driving in circles around Bachelor mansion when in the LA area.

Personal motto
The specific is terrific.
Hidden talent
Running a 12-minute mile