Vivek Pranavamurthi
Washington Improv TheaterVivek is a master of the four elements. He knows how to walk, swim, jump, and light a candle.
Vivek has done improv on and off for the past 3 years. He started his training at Black Box Improv Theater in Dayton, Ohio, but left the city as soon as he could. He later found himself in Boston where he took a run at stand up comedy and later found himself falling in love with improv again. After running away from Boston, Vivek quickly looked to integrate himself into the improv scene in DC. Here, he found WIT, and is super excited to be on his first Harold Team!
Vivek dropped out of Jedi Training Academy in 2018 to become a Sith Lord. Today, after five years of training, he wields powers in the Dark Side of the force. He uses his rage to constructively destroy objects. When Vivek is not unleashing his rage on the innocent, you can find him snacking on an original glazed donut with chocolate and sprinkles.