Mikail Faalasli
(he/him) Pronunciation: "Mi-kyle fall-ah-slee"
Washington Improv TheaterMikail is a DMV native who fell in love with the performing arts at an early age.
His overactive imagination found its way on stage in 6th grade and never truly left. He was an avid thespian all through high school, eventually stepping into the worlds of long-form improv and sketch comedy with his college teams New & Improv.’d and Maddy Night Live. He completed the WIT curriculum in 2017 and has been gleefully making a fool of himself in front of live audiences with the likes of Wonder Whale, Boom Crunch, And Scene!, A Family Affair, and others. He currently performs with WIT ensemble Uncle Gorgeous and indie team 1-800-FIREDEPARTMENT.
Mikail works in public media by day while freelancing as a performing arts photographer. He also enjoys indulging his creative side through animation, videography, music, and cooking. Don’t let his resting concerned face fool you, he’s actually quite friendly and is probably just zoning out.