Max Holtz
Washington Improv TheaterMax made his theatrical debut playing the titular role of "The Adventures of Lewis and Clarke" in fifth grade and continues to seek fame amongst small groups of obligated family members.
Max ‘s first foray into improv was with his college group the “Rumspringas,” named for the adolescent spirit quest of the nearby Amish population. He dipped his toes into WIT back in 2015 and then promptly moved to Hawaii, where he was a regular on the stage of the Kumu Kahua Theatre. He has since returned to DC and fully submerged his body into the WIT program.
Max has a penchant for celebrity podcasts and seasonal Trader Joe’s products. He believes that Ghibellina makes the best pizza in DC but is eager to be proven wrong. If you saw someone on rollerblades in Duont Circle four years ago, that was probably Max.