Lisa Kays
Washington Improv TheaterLisa Kays is a licensed clinical social worker and integrates the skills and "rules" of improv into her work whenever possible, and vice versa.
She is fascinated by how the lessons of improv apply to real life and relationships and finds that improvising is one of the best ways to stay sane in a crazy world. Lisa has completed the WIT training program and currently performs with Neighbors and anyone else that will have her.
Student Feedback
“Lisa is exceptional. She was so supportive of our class members, she was complimentary, and she was knowledgeable about the material.”
“I could not have asked for a better instructor. By the end of the first class a group of complete strangers completely let their walls down and became one unit. She was open to our many ideas, no matter how crazy and offered to help enhance our improv abilities when needed. Very encouraging and because of her, I’ll be taking Level 1B!”
“Lisa is always clear, supportive, encouraging, and understanding.”