Joshua Kravitz
Washington Improv TheaterSomehow, the lessons of improv find their way into every facet of Joshua's life. And – unfortunately for them – his friends' lives, too.
Joshua’s experience on the stage dates way back to 6th grade when he played Horton The Elephant in Seussical the Musical. It’s been downhill ever since.
In college, Joshua was the Musical Improvisor for the Stanford Improvisors, where he underscored long-form narrative and musical forms. He also performed as part of the Unscripted Playhouse of Stanford and in Flying Treehouse, a children’s theater group which performs sketches and songs based on creative stories written by 1st-4th graders.
Joshua’s favorite class in college was “Introduction to Clown.” Ask him about it.
Joshua has taken improv classes at BATS Improv (SF), UCB NYC, and now – WIT! He’s grateful to have found such a great improv community in DC.
Joshua can roll his stomach, but is embarrassed to show you. He believes dogs are better than cats – if you could eliminate his cat allergies, he might consider changing his mind, though. Joshua loves baking sourdough and cooking. He sometimes dreams about starting a bakery, but then remembers how early he’d have to wake up every day and scraps the idea.