Carly Kraybill
Washington Improv TheaterCarly was always just one step behind an opportunity to do improv - once she finally caught up she hasn't turned back!
Carly first fell in love with improv when she saw a live show during her senior year of undergrad. Devastated she hadn’t known about the improv club and missed the opportunity to join, she strove to make up for it by trying to catch as many improv shows during a year spent in Chicago.
Every Wednesday, Carly and her roommates would trek up to the IO Theater, relish a cookie dough eggroll and enjoy their free improv show. Two weeks before leaving she learned of a free intro class at Second City and leapt at the chance. She walked out of that class absolutely terrified by the experience and knew she couldn’t wait to do it again. With a move to DC coming up, she once again thought improv was a lost cause, but through DC friendships stumbled upon WIT and the rest is history! Since starting at WIT in 2018, she’s now graduated the WIT program and is currently on the harold team, Pocket Change.
You’ll see me zipping around town on my bike, basking in our fantastic DC public pools, or passing by in the airport for a new adventure. I’m obsessed with peanut butter, and even have a tattoo of it. My favorite cereal is grape nuts with crunchy peanut and milk poured over it. I could eat that every single day. I once had a pet goose named Berkeley.