Ben Lockshin
Washington Improv TheaterBen is adventurous until bedtime.
As a youngster, Ben went to performing arts school, but always had terrible stage fright. After catching an amazing improv show on a trip to Portland in 2014, he decided to finally get over that and signed up for a class at WIT that started the same night he got back to DC. While going through the curriculum, he wrote and produced a play at the Capital Fringe Festival featuring WIT performers. He can never get enough improv, performing with indie team Leftover Donut Holes and anyone else willing to offer stage time.
In real life, Ben is an avid hiker, biker, trivia enthusiast, and board gamer, including D&D (which is just improv + math). He lives in Park View, DC, with his lovely wife and their mostly lovely calico cat. For work, he talks about buses and trains all day and is often surprised he gets paid to do so. Ben comes from a very long line of comedians: his last name means “noodles,” which his ancestors apparently provided to some unloved government authorities as a joke.