Harold program adds 23 new players to the program
The newest cycle of WIT’s Harold teams will feature 23 players new to the program. Four new teams will be formed alongside continuing teams Ghost Club, The Lineup, and Ruth. Hellcat’s Kaelan Sullivan will join the program as a new coach.
The rosters for the October 2019 – March 2020 Harold teams are (new players denoted with asterisks):
New teams (placeholder names)
Arty (coached by Molly Graham): Justin Carty, Zhi Bo Deng, Jeff Friedman, Maria Gahan, James Jelin, Rachel Lang, Katie Munn, David Shadburn, Samantha Watson, Kenny Yi
Bubbsy (coached by new Harold team coach Kaelan Sullivan): Mark Abman, Matt Coit*, Amanda Fulton*, Lauren Jordan*, Taylor Kniffin*, Chris Lewitzke*, Oona MacDougall*, Turner Meeks*, Adrienne Picciotto*, Stephanie Wilson*
Cutie (coached by Dave Johnson): Stacey Axler, Mikail Faalasli, Bizzy Fain, Bill Nelson, James Paul, Henry Ring, Brianna Rooney, Alexandra Tucci, Slli’m Williams, Allison Yolo
Ditty (coached by Jamal Newman): Meredith Garagiola, Amanda Hahn*, Steve Karig, Max Makovetsky, Eli Okun, Lori Pitts, Isabelle Solomon*, Bethany Stokes, Tandra Turner, Chris Westfall
Ellie (coached by Lauren Cross): Mark Benjamin*, Brent Buxton*, Elizabeth Cutler, Meaghan Griffith*, Al-Hassan Koroma*, Beatrice Leydier, Elizabeth Mulkey, Mark Powell*, Heather Marie Vitale, John Wambach*
Continuing teams
Ruth (coached by Vic Whitten): Maddie Black, Anuj Christian, JoJo Franzen, Maria Halloran, Svend Larsen*, Dennis Pangindian, Jason Re*, Sean Rossman*, Sarah Wilson, Julia Zhen
The Lineup (coached by Ryan Brookshire): Natalia Antas, Lauren Gabel, Rosie Grant, Max Holtz*, Aubrey Peterson, Andrea Quach, Anna Ross, Ara Nath*, Kristen Timko, Alex Waddell