FIST 2024: Who’s Who

FIST 2024 spans 78 teams and 289 performers! Who will succeed Moonstruck 2 as the next FIST champions? The tournament starts Jan. 25—ticketing will be online soon!


95% In

Cast: Kevin Hackbarth, Richard Johnson, Natalie Knazik, Liz Lowry

Whatever you’ve got, we’re in for it…mostly.


Achilles & Steve

Cast: Emerson French, Julia Gross, Val Paschall, Isaac Stone

Achilles & Steve is, as its name suggests, a celebration of unlikely duos and the zany energy they inspire!


An Advice Show

Cast: Stacey Axler, Jack Barnes, Jojo Franzen, Nic Small

An Advice Show converts an audience member’s problem into unqualified, unsolicited, & (potentially) helpful advice.


All Denim

Cast: Kate Fridley, Harrison Hammonds, Katherine Mash

We met in Level 1 and we don’t know what’s happening


Arctic Fox

Cast: Brent Buxton, Mark Chalfant, Craig Gagel, Ryan McClure

Anything can happen, but not just anything will.


Are We There Yet?

Cast: Emily Dalton, Shawn Logue, Adam Myers, Daymund Williams

Four friends on the open road. What can possibly go wrong?


Artificial Intelligence

Cast: Madeline Carlson, Camilo Garcia, Oluwasegun Okusaga

A group of folks arming themselves with improv while waiting for ChatGTP to take our jobs.


Bermuda Triangle

Cast: Cam Luther, Ola Komolafe, Anthony Rizkala

Bermuda Triangle is a whirl of comic destruction, promising to sweep away audiences with torrential humor.


Bonus Crew

Cast: Josh Izaak, Katie Kooser, Camille Pozderac, Gifford Wong

Quirky foursome seeking to share laughs while engaging in socially acceptable hijinx. We’re a bonus crew with shared hot and sweaty time.


The Booth Boys

Cast: Jake Lester, Kaz Nobumoto, Garren Snow, Henry Trochlil

Can we get a suggestion for an activity? I heard: college improv troupe reunion


Breakfast Schnitzel

Cast: AJ Minite, Tarun Sinha, Paul Soto

We’re the best way to start or end your day. Can’t go wrong with Schnitzel


Burnt Sienna

Cast: Al-Hassan Koroma, Ryan McCloskey, Michael Williamson

Wacky buds, even wackier characters.


Cake for Breakfast

Cast: Chelsea Herrick, Holly Jones, Malissa Magiera, Lisa Schreihart

Eat. Cake. Now. It’s gonna be a great day! 



Cast: Katie Bull, Jackie Cheng, Erin Coyne, Raju Sharma

The hot-mess express of movers, shakers, the strong-choice makers from the Wild West of Northern Virginia.


The Chameleons

Cast: Rebecca Kellner, Steven Raetzman, Kashyap Sridhar, Irina Vayndiner 

Vibrant, eclectic and fun



Cast: Geoff Corey, Diego Dew, Clare Mulligan, Aubrey Peterson

We are chaos.



Cast: Sarah Herhold, Diego Hernandez, Danielle Steger, Ian Stout

Cheaterz is inspired by breaking the rulez


Chicken of the Woods

Cast: Sarah Baldwin, Nora Dell, Cale Harper, Leslie Turner

“Moist”, “rubbery”, “immune-boosting” – and that’s just our namesake mushroom. Get ready for a little chaos and a harvest of hilarity✨🍄✨ 


Classy & Clueless

Cast: Sarthak Agrawal, Delal Pektas

Hide your loved ones, we’re cerebral, sassy, and blunt.


the collective

Cast: Caitlin Brady, Genevieve Dabrowski, Mazyar Emami, James Nugent

we are the collective. our whispers weave webs :: our stories sculpt statues. soon, you too shall be consumed by the collective.


DMV Social Improv Jam

Cast: Grace Fennell, Julia D’Ambrosi Major, Stephen Major, Rachel Solomon

Find us on Facebook and join us for a free improv jam. 


Double Trouble²

Cast: Gaby Corcoran, Abby Haverty, Hannah Piper, Jacksón Smith

Bonnie and Clyde. Achilles and Patroclus. Jim and Dwight. Get ready to update the list of famous duos. Twice. Cause there’s four of us.


Easy Option

Cast: Matt Alexander, Stephen Gabauer, Adrian Gaston Garcia, Carly Kraybill

Life is usually better when it’s easy…


Exit Row

Cast: Dave Barak, Mary Ellen Dingley, Justin Fedich, Sophia Peerzada

Exit Row reminds you that items may have shifted during flight


The Fortunate Four

Cast: Doug Choi, Kat Kunkle, Court McGrew, Anna Nelson

Four improvisers who look at the bright side of life.



Cast: Aaron Harris, Joanne Harris, Simonica Mendes, Amira Moore

We ask about habits ur trying to break and why.


“I’m not ashamed of my clown husband!”

Cast: Lisa McCullough, Daniel Myers, Adam Singer

Two birdwatchers plan your wedding to a man with a fish. 


I’m Proud Of You, Son

Cast: Joey Cathey, Ben Perone, Michael Sanchez

Fathers and sons crack open brews of poorly framed metaphors, repressed emotion, and unsound parenting.


In Your Dreams

Cast: Daniel Barrera, Sam Jackson, Kacie Peterson, M.J. Welch

What would your life look like if your childhood dreams came true? Let us, In Your Dreams, ask and answer. 



Cast: Peg Jobst, Hilary Joel, Stacey Pelika, Steve Pilloff

Bringing 200+ years’ of life experience, we love to find the amusingly unusual surprises that inhabit ordinary friendships and situations.


Intrusive Thotties

Cast: Javi Calderon, Lucas Feldman, Abigail Kameny, Kelly Smith

we are intrusive. we are thots.


Just Two Dudes

Cast: Michael Lawrence, Colin McIntyre

Just a couple of dudes doing hot guy stuff.


Kiki & My Dada

Cast: Jeff Bollen, Kiki Bollen

Do you remember what it was like to be 6 years old? We do!



Cast: Krystal Ali, Samiyyah Ali, Kendall Hollimon, Jamal Newman

Imagine watching your people on stage living their lives. Anything can happen when you get together with your Kinfolk. 


The Last Straw

Cast: Yotam Gingold, Arhan Gunel, Dan Holm, Julie Huggins

Often, there’s straw. Sometimes, the straw goes away. Rarely, there’s one straw left. That’s us.


Leftover Donut Holes

Cast: Phil Jones, Quinn Kelly, Ben Lockshin, Aagosh Mathur

The truth, the hole truth, and nothing but the truth (so help us God)



Cast: Mikail Faalasli, Peter Kimball, Ryan Pierannunzi, John Windmueller

Lemon. Refreshing, Effervescent, Bright. Lemon.


A Lover, Not a Fighter

Cast: Perot Bissell, Lore Leupold, Patrick Maxwell, Gab Nahmias

We’re just some cool cats and kittens who love improv. Also three of us live together so that’s a vibe I guess?


Magazine Dairy Announcement

Cast: Katie Garbart, Fred Gilbert, Joel Larin, Julia Marcus

First time coming together. Influences include The Smashing Pumpkins, Bon Jovi, and Cher.


Magic Number

Cast: Julie Gerzina, David Koeller, Joanne Zurcher,

We’re doing our best!


Matron Saints

Cast: Morgan Burris, Emmy Harvey

A show by women inspired by shows by women. 


Meth & Taxes

Cast: Grant Faber, Natasha Herrick, Garima Singal, Luke Swinford  

Irreverent, excitable, unhinged, and miserly, Meth and Taxes delivers a veritable oasis of long-form improvisational joy.


Milk Milk Milk!

Cast: Madeline Dozier, Devin Hiett, Kelsey Peters, Allison Yolo

Oat, almond, 2%, breast… choose your milk! 


Monsters Under the Bed

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Gwendolyn Bogard, Nick Tschernia, Peter Tzeng

Climb under the bed with us and explore your silliest fears! 


Mousetrap Elephant

Cast: Maria Batdorff, Jillian Cardillo, Cole Fritzenkotter, David Walters

Mousetrap Elephant promises a fun-filled improv show with no live elephants or actual mousetraps.



Cast: Mark Benjamin, Grace Campion, Betsy Milarcik, Ben Willman

Chewy, slippery, dare I say a little crunchy.


Muppets 3

Cast: Ernest Afflu, Lexcia Carr, Sanjana Raghavan

Three haunted puppets navigating the beauty and the horrors of the human experience


Name It & Claim It

Cast: Kenneth Bender, David Dickerson, Georgia Lyon, Beth Ruedi

Unknown. Even to us.


Nine Kinds of Pie

Cast: Adi Kamdar, Chris Lash, Stanley Seiden

We’re the warm leather of your grandmam’s armchair. The zesty crunch of a fresh sprig of arugula. The mysterious gleam of a runcible spoon.


Not Serious People

Cast: Erick Acuña, Vasant Joseph, Eva Lewis, Avalon Warner-Gonzales

Are you tired of DC being the most serious city in the country? So are we! Take a break—come be unserious with us


Not Your Girlfriend

Cast: Sarah Anderson, Deborah Birnbaum, Marcy Coburn, Simone Gannage

Women can be anything – this is improv baby! So why did men always make us their love interests in scenes? Fed up, we banded together.


Not Your Mother’s Daughters

Cast: Claire Brisse, Gunjan Maheshwari, Chizobam Nwagwu, Sam Ruback

Bored of the patriarchy? Look no further than this funky gaggle of gals who sometimes use inside voices and share what’s on their minds.   


Particle Accelerators

Cast: Mike Good, Logan Hartley, Hayley Lawrence, Katya Leidig

We’re the kind of improv group you want to bring home to meet your parents



Cast: Elizabeth Cutler, Precious Jenkins, Bill Nelson, Isabelle Solomon

Your weirdest friend just got weirder (in the best way). Meet PartiFact – inspired by facts you never want to hear at a party.


Possibly Psychic

Cast: Theresa Buechler, Lisa Saladino, Francesca Washington

Why call the psychic hotline and spend $1 per minute when you can see us for free!?


Questionable Advice

Cast: Cassie Hoffman, Caroline Kelly, Kelly Shannon, Gabby Villegas

4 creative people attempt to solve your problems with creative, but questionable advice


Rats can’t vomit.

Cast: Bridget Bartley, Julia Habiger, Annie Lentz, Ashleigh Meade

Our smut club was so fun we had to try out improv. This issss our first performance.


Razzle Dazzle

Cast: Meghan Faulkner, Joshua Kravitz, Eli Okun, Bethany Stokes

We’re razzle dazzling right to the top.


Regression Analysis

Cast: Chris Olinger, Erika Wind

Two nerds, known for occasionally standing on chairs and singing songs, demonstrate how regression is a progression. It’s not random!


Reno, Nevada

Cast: Niv Elis, Paul Hitlin, Béatrice Leydier

Reno is a city in the northwest section of the U.S. state of Nevada, along the Nevada-California border.


Ride That Pony

Cast: Meredith Garagiola, Jonah Gordon, Turner Meeks, Sabrina Shahmir

Prepare for a wild ride to funnytown. Giddy up!


Save the Knees!  

Cast: Patrick Chapman, Ewan Compton, Jeff Mehall, Sera Morgan

Save the Knees: It Might Be All You Have Left. 


Scream Queens!

Cast: Kevin Eggleston, Mason Heilman, Patrick Hsieh, Joey Scully

What’s your favorite scary movie? Dive into the world of campy horror improv with your four favorite queer improvisers.


Sensory Overload

Cast: Kristina Baldwin, Jasper Harvey, Alex Huss, Carlic Huynh

Sensory Overload will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride from to new highs to new lows.


Silently Loud

Cast: Olivia D’Aoust, Annie Drinkard, Diana Lewkowicz, Amber Pierdinock-Weed

We are witty and playful, but still getting to know each other.


The Sleepovers

Cast: Daniel Calingaert, Jason Fleigel, Aimee Lee Savage, Samantha Watson

We play at the top of our intelligence, such as it is!



Cast: Betsy Crumb, Josh Malina, Lisa Pan, Laura Sanicola 

Embracing the absurdity of the human condition since 2023.


Suck It Up

Cast: Tristan Driesbach, Shelby French, Sandor Silagi 

Suck It Up – put on your big kid pants and play the game



Cast: Abby Fu, Jason Re, Mikki Smith, Eddison Wilkinson

Sound of Music meets Die Hard


Sweet Yeti

Cast: Chris Carusiello, John Charles, Ben Edelman, Amy Rankin

Sweet Yeti is a team of experienced DC-area improv performers with high-intensity characters that will blow your mind!


Swipe Right

Cast: Theresa Hofmann, Marisa Borreggine, Genevieve Warner, James Zipadelli

What makes you swipe right? And what happens if it all goes terribly wrong? Come and find out during FIST 2024! 


Third Person Fish

Cast: Phil Bolin, Melissa Gibson, Len Kedrow, Meredith Viola

Like a good old fashioned pen written letter with black not blue ink in 1987.


Traveling Tchotchkes

Cast: India Banks, Mandy Murphy, Rachel Sloan, Stephanie Wester

That won’t make it through customs! 


Trees Giving Shade Presents: Bird Gossip

Cast: Darnell Eaton, Melissa Gedney, Jordana Mishory, Henry Ring

Don’t leaf us in the dark. We need your seed-crets. 


The Undergrads

Cast: Rehan Ahmed, Adam Davis, Danica Gonzalves, Akankseha Singh 

Umm, it’s actually first year. I don’t know what I’m doing. Third times lost its charm. You’ll never get a job.


We’re Just Here for the Ice Cream

Cast: Virginia Gorsevski, Natasha Khan, Caroline Wolverton, Memphis Worley

But what an improv sundae they make: Big bowl of “Yes and”, covered in “A to C”, with sprinkles of “Object Work” and a big “Callback” on top


Who? Where?

Cast: Victor Egbe, Ali Stahr, Clyde Thompson, Leo Weinreb

4 improvisors, here to have a good time.


Work Husband

Cast: Sol Aziz, Armin Haracic, Vito Prime, Arie Rich

Punch in for laughs with “Work Husband” – job-inspired improv that’s sure to make your 9 to 5 brighter!

December 27, 2023