6:00 PM The Senate
The Senate represents improv across America, with your representatives passionately plugging their home state as they play out their scenes.
Cast: Amy Purcell, David Richman, Adam Koussari-Amin, Andy McIntyre, Joanna Tiger, Stacy Hayashi, Carlic Huynh, Ben Frazell, Mike Coe, John Carroll, Richie Khanh, Jordana Mishory, Dawn Nguyen, Rob Miller, Elaine Colwell, Jared Smith, Ellen Reiterman, Alan McCombs, Coonoor Behal, Jacob Chadwick, Ryan Alloway, Katie Ozog, Mike Hendrix, Laura Labedz, Faith Halter, John Windmueller, Jason Walther, Justin Lamb, Marianne Lalonde, Rachel Garmon, Katie Lazo, Marc Reber, Xavier Padin
6:16 PM SlowBonesAboutIt
In SlowBonesAboutIt our two characters perform the SLO00ooowessstttt of scene work. So Dellliberate annnndddd welllllll-paaaaaaced. WO00oowwww.
Cast: Mike “Crankwise” Hendrix and Samuel “Jay” Bonar
6:27 PM As If-Prov
OK, so you’re probably going, “Is this like a Noxzema commercial or what?” But it’s actually an improv show inspired by the awesomeness of the GREATEST. MOVIE. OF ALL. TIME: “Clueless,” which somehow turned 20 this year, even though the rest of us stayed the same age.
Cast: Michael Bird, Kristin Brown, Jon Chesebro, Ryan Krull, Reaves McElveen, Jordana Mishory, Richie Pepio, Greer Smith
6:38 PM Improvception
Ever wake up from a dream, try to explain it to someone else, and realize you’re still in a dream? Help us improv our way back to reality.
Cast: Isaac Jiffar, Mariam Jiffar, Robert Rose, Will Rose
6:49 PM Zenprov
Nama-stay on the edge of your seat as improvisors turned yogi’s perform Zenprov! Our yogimprovisors will perform ancient yoga poses and “yes and” into pretzel shapes. On the nexus of physical and spiritual comedy, this show is bound to thrill, entertain, and titillate–mindfully of course.
Cast: J.J. Jackson, Meredith Whipple, Josh Cooper, Rosie Grant, Kelsey Peters, Kate Symes, Devon Grams, Drew G, Sarah Yoo, Ginnie Seger
7:00 PM Asian Moms: Happy Birthday to You!
Asian Moms celebrates our 1st bday! Share a wacky, fun birthday of yours, and we’ll have a birthday party based off that slice o’ life. We’ll sprinkle in monologues about our own crazy family birthdays growing up.
Cast: Caroline Chen, Christina Floriza, Erica Geiser, Stacy Hayashi, Richie Khanh, and Audrey Mattaino.
7:15 PM Crude Mechanicals
Hast thou an understanding of the Bard? Crude Mechanicals careth not! We shall take thy suggestion and spin such a tale that Shakespeare himself would reach for his lawyer. Come one, come all! Be amazed! Be amused! Be careful not to get any of the inevitable blood and mayhem on thy clothing!
Cast: Dan O’Neill, Justus Hammond, Mark Chalfant, Matt Berman, Mikael Johnson, Molly Murchie, Seth Alcorn
7:35 PM Amphibious Squeak Presents: He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
Nobody Stay Calm, Everybody Freak Out!!! In Amphibious Squeak presents Freak Out Friday, the old switch-a-roo makes a dizzying comeback. Are you ready for a world where anyone could switch places at any moment? Watch as things get topsy-turvy.
Cast: James Bryant, Bryanda Minix, Seth Payne, Ari Glatman Zaretsky
7:46 PM I Really Like You-Prov
This year’s incarnation of Call Me Maybe Prov (also Since U Been Gone Prov and Happy Prov). A deliberately mixed-experience group performs a show where the initiation in the chorus to the song (“I Really Like You”). We edit by playing the song and dancing across the stage.
This is the fourth incarnation of the show for Palooza.
Cast: Dan Miller, Jordana Mishory, Elise Webb, Megan Cummings, Raphael Mamja, Tyler Laminack, Ben Frazell, Amy Purcell, Ryan Krull, Isabel Galbraith
7:57 PM 2 Hours Later
A lot can happen in 2 hours.
Cast: Blind casting
8:08 PM Big Love
Three real life improv couples take on one of the biggest challenges of their relationships so far – performing on stage together. Will their relationships survive this test or will their next shows be solo? Watch to find out.
Cast: Sabahat Chaudhary, Xavier Hernandez, Reaves McElveen, Marc Reber, Macey Schiff, Joanna Tiger
8:23 PM The Red Scare: Improv Roulette
IN A WORLD… Still thawing from a Cold War… Where improvisers drop dead at the spin of the wheel, five brave, yet spicy souls meander through the depths of hell, metro center, and Applebee’s hoping to contemplate and fantasize death and the dissolving human experience. You will be at the edge of your seat…and life… As “yes and” takes on a new challenge, ImproviRussian Roulette.
Cast: Ginnie Seger, Tony Lazzeroni, Chris Sloan, Kelsey Peters, Rosie Grant
8:34 PM Segerpalooza
America loves two things: sentimental sweet talk and the Bob Seger songbook. This act gives you both in an inspiring blend of uplifting scenes scored by a Bob Seger’s Greatest Hits CD lying around my car.
Cast: Richie Pepio, Jordana Mishory, JJ Jackson, Katie Ozog, Kate Symes, John Heiser, Dan Milliken, Bryan Jackson
Clown Boy. Two men. Don’t Think. Just Go.
The show starts as a grounded solid. Which quickly transitions into liquid, and then gas. We honor each choice made by pushing it to it’s max, to the point of no return. No judgement. Just committed support. The ending of the show takes the gas and then explodes it into a supernova, plasma remnant.
You might want safety goggles for this show.
Cast: Michael Bird, Tom Achilles
9:00 PM Extra! Extra!: The Best Sellers
Extra! Extra! pulls book descriptions off of the New York Times Best Sellers list and creates the books you really want to read.
Cast: Topher Bellavia, Stephen Carter, Devin Horne, Tim Hunt, Eva Lewis, Reaves McElveen, Joe Randazzo, Katie Rush, Greg Tindale
9:15 PM Extrey! Extrey!
What’s the biggest headline from your day!? Join Extray Extray and see it come to life!
Cast: Matt Berman, Jordana Mishory, Macey Schiff
9:20 PM Good Luck Dying Alone
Don’t let their wedding bands get you down. These newly married improvisers know it will happen for you.
Cast: Dan Miller, Jamie Bingner, Elise Webb, Megan Cummings, Lizzie Nolan (possibly one or two more)
9:31 PM Throne of Games
All of WITsteros desires it, but only one man can sit upon the Ironic Throne.
WITster is coming.
Cast: John Heiser, Xavier Padin, Kate Symes, Dan O’Neil, Pete Bergen, Tara Maher, Cara Hayes, Matt Berman, Bryan Jackson
9:42 PM iProv
iProv is a show where the team will perform scenes inspired by music. The format is a dusty. Before each scene, we will use a randomly selected track in place of a standard get from the audience. This will inform our characters, and we go from there. The music will be provided by an audience member who (with permission) will give us their phone or iPod. We will hook it up to the studio sound system, and one of our team members will control the playback.
Cast: Geoff Blizard, Philip Greene, Justine Hipsky, Nina Hsu, Carlic Huynh, Erik Lundstrom, Alyssa Meyer, Samiah Page
9:53 PM The Billy Merritt Experience
A pirate, a ninja and a robot walk into an improv scene and attempt to create the most perfect show ever in an effort to determine if there’s merit to Billy Merritt’s famous improv theory.
Cast: Ninjas: Matt Berman, Caroline Chen, Tim Hunt. Robots: Stacy Hayashi, Dan Miller, Joe Randazzo. Pirates: Coonoor Behal, Jordana Mishory, Elise Webb
10:04 PM That American Life
Our team of dedicated reporters gets to the heart of what makes America tick, using only their wits and the suggestion from an audience member. And a guy on lights. And a guy on sound. And lots of microphones. This is the only podcast you have to SEE to (sort of) believe.
Cast: Catherine Deadman, Jules Duffy, Justus Hammond, Denny Johnson, Ryan Krull, Jamie Lantinen, Jack Novak, Caroline Pettit, Jaci Pulice, Kate Symes, Stewart Walsh, and Coach: Mikael Johnson
10:24 PM Neighbors, Reunited!
Neighbors are reunited, and it feels so good! Current and former members of DC’s most neighborly improv troupe come together for a reunion to end all reunions. Will old loves be rekindled? Will new alliances emerge? Find out in the Neighbors’ reunion show!
Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Abigail Fu, Stacy Hayashi, Adam Koussari-Amin, Ami Krasner, Eva Lewis, Nancy Melchert, Katie Rush, Liz Sanders, Nic Small, David Steib, Jason Walther
10:39 PM Trapper Keeper? I Hardly Know Her! Presents: The 1890’s
Trapper Keeper? I Hardly Know Her! is trading in their Blossom hats for bowlers as they get jiggy wit it, 1890s style!
Cast: Cara Hayes, Bryan Jackson, Jordana Mishory
10:50 PM Team XXX Presents: Bundleprov, the Return of the Bundles
Last year’s sexiest, bundliest Palooza show is back! Join Team XXX as we strip back the layers of improv.
Cast: Sam Bonar, Elaine Colwell, Stacy Hayashi, Adam Koussari-Amin, Ryan Krull, Marianne Lalonde, Jordana Mishory, Dan Milliken, Katie Ozog, Richie Pepio, Macey Schiff
11:01 PM Bombay Vindaloo Goes Hollywood
Bollywood takes on Hollywood! Bombay Vindaloo spices up your favorite Hollywood genre as only they can. You’ll want a side of chutney for your popcorn after seeing this show.
Cast: Shravan Amin, Jigesh Baxi, Coonooor Behal, Sabahat Chaudhary, Xavier Hernandez, Rashee Raj Kumar, Reshma Memon, Marc Reber
11:16 PM Director’s Commentary
Live commentary of a pre-recorded movie from the people who were really there.
Cast: Tom Achilles, Michael Bird, Caroline Chen, Bryan Jackson, Dan Milliken, Jordana Mishory, Kate Symes
11:31 PM Spirit Bear Book Club Goes Live!
The deceased Spirit Bear Harold Team lives on as a book club and is bringing their literary debates to the stage. Will the whimsy of magical realism win over the group? Will they prefer a gritty tale of man vs. nature? Will they spend the first 10 minutes of a the show looking for a quiet bar on U-Street? These answers and more when the Book Club goes live.
Cast: Tim Hunt, Lizzie Nolan, Dan Miller, Joe Randazzo, Jason Walther, and Elise Webb
11:46 PM The Fuzz UpApalooza!
The Fuzz Ups. One Stage. Three Puppets. All Improv.
Cast: Michael Bird, Bryan Jackson, Jack Novak