Team Building

If you’re a team leader, you know that understanding how people interact with each other is as important as what they create or produce. This is especially true for remote teams, who are often spread out geographically, and hybrid workplaces, where employees are rarely in the same place at the same time anymore.

That means making the most out of virtual team building opportunities and those “blue moon” occasions when everybody is in-person, together. WIT@Work’s Team Building and Effectiveness program offers a unique way to strengthen connections and boost collaboration among team members that is also a lot of fun!

Clients love our specialized applied improv workshops that are designed to build relationships between new and existing team members by encouraging active listening, adaptability, and spontaneous collaboration, while breaking down barriers and building trust through connection and play. Our workshops — typically 90 minutes to two hours — are offered in-person or online and can be tailored to fit your schedule, goals, and budget.

To get started you can:
•  Schedule a meeting with WIT@Work Director John Windmueller.
•  Email or call (202) 810-5911.
•  Scroll to the bottom of this page to fill out an inquiry form.
•  Download our brochure for more information.

Three participants joyously engage in an improv workshops

The benefits and lessons of applied improv are abundant:

  • Forge new relationships and foster connections between team members; 
  • Learn and rehearse new approaches to positive collaboration; 
  • Generate and maintain a shared sense of teamwork and support; 
  • Build listening and communication skills to enhance understanding and responsiveness;
  • Practice the principles of “Yes, And!” to build on ideas and encourage innovation; 
  • Enjoy a genuinely joyful and memorable experience that brings together and amplifies your team’s strengths.

Our Trainings are Expert-Led and Mind-Opening

After each exercise there is a quick debrief: 

  1. Highlighting the improv principles that were introduced and rehearsed, 
  2. Connecting those principles with research on effective communication and collaboration, 
  3. Outlining clear next steps and new habits to apply in the workplace. 

One week after the workshop, participants will receive a pdf summary of the take-away points with links to further research and reading.


Team members will actively participate in improv games and exercises focused on building skills in the areas of collaboration, communication, and creativity. Both extroverts and introverts love WIT@Work’s team building sessions. No one is ever put “on stage” or on the spot.


Improv exercises are legitimately fun, and fun matters (even in the workplace!) Numerous studies have shown that having fun boosts learning effectiveness and the retention of information. It also feeds creativity, engagement, and relationship-building. Applied improv exercises are clear, simple, collaborative, and guaranteed to generate connections and kickstart communication between participants.

Let's start the conversation!

We're eager to work with your team! Get in touch by emailing or click on the button below to fill out our form.

Drop us a line

“I cannot thank you enough for bringing enormous value to our retreat last week. It was a profoundly meaningful and productive two-day gathering, so believe me when I say it’s high praise when I tell you your section was a favorite. Someone who’d come from NYC to the gathering – a self-proclaimed introvert – turned to me when you wrapped your workshop and said, ‘That was phenomenal.’ You absolutely have a winning way about you and a winning combination of fun plus useful content plus valuable take-aways. I’d hire you again in a heartbeat.”

— Susan Paley, National Association for Corporate Directors

“Thank you again so much for bringing the WIT@Work workshop to NIST. It was really great to be able to bring some fun to our group – I don’t think I’ve seen that many cameras on and smiles in a virtual meeting in a long time! I know you gave me personally a lot to think about and apply to my work, as well.”

— Kerrianne Buchanan, National Institute of Standards and Technology

“Thank you for traveling to Cleveland to participate in the Leadership Cleveland Opening Retreat. Feedback from the evaluations was excellent and it brought me joy to see people together, having fun and laughing. So needed!”

— Robert P. Kirschner, Director of Leadership Cleveland

WIT@Work offers services in three key areas that are designed to help teams and institutions work smarter and more effectively.

WIT@Work’s Director John Windmueller has over two decades of experience designing, delivering, and overseeing professional training and graduate education focused on communication, collaboration, and creativity. In addition to his education and training background, he holds a doctorate in Conflict Analysis and Resolution and has extensive experience working as a facilitator and mediator, helping groups and communities have constructive conversations across differences.

WIT is one of the largest providers of applied improv training in the US with clients spanning a broad range of industries and sectors. The list includes Deloitte, Price Waterhouse Cooper, The Brookings Institution, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, US Department of Justice, National Security Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, Marriott International, University of Maryland Baltimore County, University of Maryland, National Public Radio, the National Institutes of Health, and the National Academy of Sciences.

Contact WIT@Work today to learn more about our Professional Applied Improv Training programs and how we can help your organization thrive. John Windmueller will be in touch with you shortly.

WIT@Work Intake Questionnaire

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What's Your Focus

Are you interested team building, developing communication skills, or sparking creativity and innovation? All of the above? Check off the focus area(s) that most interest you. If you’d like, share some some context about your group and the goals and challenges you want to address in the optional notes sections.

Talk to you soon!

When you’re ready, hit the submit button below. We’ll be in touch soon.
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