Lisa Schreihart
Washington Improv TheaterLife is all about learning, evolving, and inspiring!
I completed the WIT curriculum in 2019 and have enjoyed numerous electives, core class retakes, workshops around DC, Improvapalooza and FIST runs, Camp Improv Utopia, and even Freestyle Love Supreme’s intro to hip hop improv. My favorite FIST teams have included all-women teams Phones! and Cake for Breakfast. I have played with the lovely indie improv troupe Follow the Lisa since 2019, although I am not THE Lisa.
I am an electrical engineer turned intellectual property lawyer and registered patent attorney. This means I’m a techie who likes to argue about all things tech. My driving force is to inspire others and help make this world a better place by mentoring diverse youth and young adults in STEM (science, engineering, technology, and math) and the law. In my spare time, I umpire softball, volunteer for numerous non-profit organizations, and enjoy every concert and theatrical performance I can get my eyes and ears on. I am a closet concert producer, stage manager, and sound engineer looking for the next wild opportunity to help an indie artist shine. (I keep my sound equipment near the front of the closet.) Little known fact: I tried out for the 2000 Olympic Softball Team. I enjoy painting rocks and take requests and challenges, even if they involve costuming. Try me!