Katie O’Donnell
Washington Improv TheaterKatie’s brain inhabits the strange liminal space between “always directing traffic” and “going with the flow.”
Katie fell in love with improv at free and $5 late night shows produced by Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre when that was all she could afford for entertainment as a college student in New York City. A life-long musical theater kid, actor, musician, and singer, she finally decided to pursue improv training and musical improv performance at WIT way too many years after moving to DC. She was a cast member in WIT’s Summer 2023 hit improvised Western, Tumbleweed, and joined the cast of iMusical, WIT’s longest-running ensemble, in fall 2024.
An architecture and design writer, Katie is fascinated by the way people interact with space and how places inform who we are. She is constantly in awe of the many different ways people build community in DC and is thrilled to study and perform at WIT with some of the friendliest people she’s met in the District.