Court McGrew
Washington Improv TheaterCourt hails from the land of a billion chickens, also known as the Eastern Shore of Maryland. His college mascot was a seagull.
Court started the WIT curriculum in the Spring of 2019 and completed it just in time for a global pandemic. Nevertheless, he persisted, taking lots of online classes, and even more in person when things reopened including levels 4 and 5 again. He has mainly performed with and is an original member of the indie team Cute and Snobby.
Court saw a description of long form improv and it sounded exactly like the type of thing he would enjoy doing and thought that it would be a great way to get out of the house and meet new people by taking an intro class. He was right. Nothing makes Court happier than causing his teammates, front or back line, to break in laughter in a scene. The magic of improv has turned him from being a member of Generation X into a Millennial. He owns more cookbooks than you think.