Slli’m Williams

Slli'm Williams is a born-and-raised DC native with no love for bribery or deception. He does love being on stage and doing things in front of people in exchange for laughter and applause. Improv is one of the coolest ways he gets to satisfy his insatiable thirst for attention.

Sll’im has completed 5 Levels of WIT Improv classes. He’s also been an event host and spoken word performer since 2005 and recently started dipping his toe into stand up comedy. His love of hosting stems from its organic qualities and the importance of being in the moment. These concepts combined with support from and interaction with other players on stage is the reason Slli’m loves improv so much. Working together to create a random moment that never would have existed otherwise is pretty darn cool.

By day Sll’im is a Digital Forensics Consultant. When he’s not being a data scientist, he’s either hosting events at Busboys and poets, performing Spoken Word Poetry or Hip Hip, telling jokes (on stage or at home), working on impressions (on stage or at home), practicing with his improv classmates, traveling anywhere he can afford and cooking with/for his family. In addition, Sll’im hunts for out of season mulled wine and crosses home repairs off of his honey-do list. Most importantly, he really enjoys fresh cut pineapple and mango (on stage or at home).

Current Ensemble
Personal Hero
Theresa C. Barnes (My Mother)
Favorite Word
Personal Motto
Another!!! (To quote the wise philosopher, Thor Odinson).