WIT announces auditions for new production: Table Talk

WIT is pleased to announce auditions for a summer Directors Series show, Table Talk (Working Title).


Table Talk: An Improvised Tale of Adventure is a show that blends the joy and silliness of a tabletop RPG with the raw emotional power of a tabletop RPG. We’re interested in capturing the weight of long-form media, the love that a group of friends shares for one another, and the delight of unexpectedly caring about a thing. No tabletop gaming experience is required for performers. We are interested in seeing you develop rich characters in the context of the gaming world, mechanical knowledge of games is not relevant to this show format.

Show Schedule

Table Talk will debut the weekend of  June 13, with 12 performances planned over six weekends (Fri/Sat shows): June 13/14, 20/21, 27/28, and July 11/12, 18/19, 25/26. We are seeking performers who can attend at least 75% of performances.

Rehearsal Schedule

Rehearsals will be held on Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, and begin on March 27, location is TBD. There will be no rehearsals on May 15th or May 22nd. We are seeking performers who can attend at least 8 out of the 10 rehearsals, which MUST include the March 27 rehearsal.

Creative Team

Director: Hannah Piper | Assistant Director: Amber Bellsdale | Technical Director: James Nugent

Sign up to Audition HERE

Sign-up deadline: FRIDAY, Feb. 21 at 11:59pm



Before signing up, please review the following eligibility requirements for auditioning. We are seeking improvisers with at least one year of experience on stage and/or in classes. We are seeking performers who interested in taking risks and making moves that support the narrative of the show. Finally, we are seeking performers who can attend at least 8 out of 10 rehearsals and 75% of performances (see schedules below), given the importance of developing the show and rehearsing the format we create. People who are not eligible will be removed from the auditions. We will endeavor to include as many people as possible in auditions, but if response exceeds capacity, preference may be given to those who signed up earlier. Preference may also be given to performers who help satisfy the goals of the WIT’s Director Series, which endeavors to cross-pollinate newer and more seasoned performers.

In the auditions, we’re looking for players to demonstrate these skills:
  • Dynamic character choices
  • Interesting narrative choices
  • Sharing focus in the context of both the scene and the show
  • Commitment to emotional play
  • Developing multifaceted character deals
  • Shift casting to incorporate another player’s choices
  • Bold physicality
  • Strong grounded play


Audition dates:

  • Tuesday February 25, 7-9pm @ Garnet-Patterson S.T.A.Y. High School 2001 10th St NW
  • Saturday March 1, 11am – 6pm @ Studio Theater 1501 14th St NW
  • Sunday March 2, 11am – 6pm @ Studio Theater 1501 14th St NW
  • Tuesday March 4, 7-9pm @ Garnet-Patterson S.T.A.Y. High School 2001 10th St NW


Audition schedule will be sent out by end of day on Sunday, February 23

COVID POLICY for Auditions
Auditioners may remain masked or unmasked, per their preference. If you do not feel well on the day of your audition, we encourage you to please stay home, and we will see if we can reschedule you.
More info can be found in auditions form linked above. If you have any questions please contact Table Talk director Hannah Piper (hannah@witdc.org).


February 14, 2025