WIT opens auditions for new production: And, Scene!
And, Scene!—a new Washington Improv Theater production—will debut in spring 2020 during the Fighting Improv Smackdown Tournament. This project mashes up theatrical multiverses by combining improv with the work being created by D.C. area playwrights and theater companies.
Each show will be comprised of at least one actor, who will be performing lines from a scripted theater piece while a Washington Improv Theater improvisor, who has not been informed of the premise of the play or the scene, improvises their side of the conversation within the scene. Lighting, sound effects, and other production will augment the scripted portion of the show. For those familiar, think of it as “Gravid Water on steroids.” The show will be executive produced by Raymond Simeon and co-directed by Alex Kazanas and Raymond Simeon.
Auditions will be held the evening of Friday, Feb. 21, and on Saturday, Feb. 22. Location will be confirmed closer to the audition dates, but will be close to Source (1835 14th St. NW). Deadline to sign up is 11:59 PM on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Who are the ideal performers for this cast?
Improvisers and Actors who are comfortable with narrative formats, are able to emote realistically, and can justify new information simply. Auditioners should have at least one year of performance experience. Should you have any questions about your eligibility, please email Raymond Simeon (ray@witdc.org).
Callback auditions, if needed, will be held on Sunday, February 23 between 4 PM – 8 PM by invitation only.