WIT Ensemble iMusical to Hold Auditions in October
Do you have improv experience, a desire to stretch your acting chops, and a lack of fear of singing in public? Do you want to create instant, funny musical theater with people who love musical theater? If so, you should audition for iMusical!
Here is a link to the Google Form to register: iMusical Audition Form
Open call auditions will be held on three dates:
- Saturday, October 19: 12:30pm to 5pm (Studio Theatre; 1501 14th St. NW)
- Monday, October 21: 7pm to 9:30pm (Garnet-Patterson S.T.A.Y. High School; 2001 10th St. NW)
- Saturday, October 26: (only if needed) 3pm to 5:30pm (Studio Theatre)
The callback audition will be held on Monday, October 28 from 7 PM-9:30 PM, at the Garnet-Patterson school.
The deadline to sign up for a slot within open call auditions is Wednesday, October 16 at 11:59 PM. Improvisers of color and LGBTQIA+ folks are strongly encouraged to audition.
Performance expectations: once trained and comfortable, ensemble members commit to performing in one show per week during WIT runs. iMusical shows tend to be on Fridays or Saturdays in 4 to 6-week intervals, followed by a 4 to 6-week break.
Rehearsal expectations: Rehearsals are Monday evenings throughout the year, from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, at the Garnet-Patterson school on V & 10th St. NW. New members commit to attending almost all rehearsals and shows during their training period. Of course, we’re all adults and things like vacation and illness happen, but accepted players are expected to prioritize attending. (If a player’s attendance falls below 75% we would want to discuss if this is the right commitment for you.)
Participants will be improvising short scenes into songs with each other for the audition; there is no need to prepare any material. There is also no need to have taken musical improv classes or be experienced in musical improv in order to audition. We will train you in those skills! Participants must, however, be confident in singing in public and have either (1) taken the Level Four “Ensemble” class with WIT, (2) taken an equivalent class elsewhere with an established improv theater organization (ask us in the form if you have questions), or (3) have had experience performing improv comedy (short-form or long form) in a regularly-performing ensemble or show.
More information about our show can be found at http://imusical.org and there are videos available on YouTube at https://tinyurl.com/imusical-youtube