Play and connect during a jam at WIT!

WIT hosts regular jams including all-play jams, musical jams, jams for LGBTQ performers, the occasional virtual jam. Improvisers of all experience levels are welcome to join. 

These jams are a high-fun, low-stress environment where you can connect and play with fellow improvisers in a supportive environment. Jams are a great place to be silly, practice a skill, and/or connect with new and old friends over the collaborative world of yes-and.  

We have regular all-play jams every Monday night after Harold Night! Learn more and register to attend on the Harold Night page.

While jams do feature a facilitator, there is no improv instruction. If you are looking to learn improv, check out our free Improv for All workshops or classes program

All jams are pay-what-you-choose (although musical jams have a minimum participation cost). Attendees asked to register in advance so facilitators can get a rough head count. 

Like all WIT in-person activities, proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is required. Please be prepared to show your vaccine card, legible photo of said card, or insurance information, along with a photo ID.