NOON: “Momma Always Said” Proverbs

See grandma’s and grandpa’s words come to life in a fun 11-minute skit.

Cast: Amy Purcell, Analia Gomez Vidal, Andrea Erhart, Bamela Branderson, Beatrice Leydier, Cassandra Copello, Geoff Corey, Goli Samimi, Jason Walther, Joe Randazzo, Katie Honerkamp Lazo, Mikail Faalasli, Patrick Murray, Paul Pearlman, Ryan Brookshire, Susan Jacobs, Yotam Gingold.


12:16 PM: Body Language with the High-Fivers

We will wow you with our improv from the head, heart, gut, and groin.

Cast: Mark Abman, Kelsie Anderson, Sherry Edmonds, Laura Mandeville, Allison Theveny, Madeline Turrini, Heather Marie Vitale


12:25 PM: Your Favorite Cookie Presents: Farm to Cubicle

See what happens when animals run the government.

Cast: Kim Borowicz, Brent Buxton, Grace Campion, Michael Cohen, Caroline Kelly, Ben O’Hara, Ashley Siebels


12:34 PM: Waltz Me to the End of Time

A composer and three singers improvise an “all-singing, all-dancing” musical in 11 minutes of continuous 3/4 time music about couples falling in and out of love.

Cast: Paul Rosenberg, Tony Lopez, Taunya Ferguson, Alice Lipowicz


12:46 PM: WMOTTO

Do you ever feel like you’re missing something important with garbled announcements on the Metro? See what happens when passengers hear their conductor’s life mottos on the train.

Cast: Christina Ferrari, Chris Lewitzke, Blind Casting


12:57 PM: Inanimate That Object

The object is to BE the objects. You name the environment and we will literally bring it to life!

Cast: Bam Alston, David Brescia-Weiler, Jesse Chimes, Geoff Corey, Molly Graham, Jenna Hall, Saleh Karaman, Erin Murray, Krystal Ramseur, Jared Smith, Donna Steele, Jane White


1:08 PM: Sons and Roses

Real parents and real sons take each others’ perspective to explore family drama from all vantage points.

Cast: Aimee Imundo, Steve Pilloff, Faruq Bey, Kevin Hollerbach


1:19 PM: Douchebag Humblebrag Presents: Improv Cluedo

The audience plays detective while the troupe embodies your favorite shady house guests, all working to answer the age-old question: Who Killed Mr. Boddy?

Cast: Kurt Berning, Kevin Keefe, Joe Gagliardi, Dawn Perlas, Cherie Van Fleet, J.J. Walter


1:30 PM: Knights and Squires

A royal and his trusted assistant sally forth on a quest for fame and fortune.

Cast: Dave Johnson, Topher Bellavia


1:41 PM: Joined at the Hip 

Imagine a world where everyone is joined at the hip.

Cast: Colleen Ryan, Grace Campion, Lauren White, Lauren Jordan, Sean McGrawth, David Schupak, Nicky de Haay, Caitlin Wolf, Ian Kitchens


1:48 PM: District Dog Show

Watch the drama unfold at DC’s most elite and over-the-top dog show.

Cast: Amy Goldman, Reaves McElveen, Alexis Pazmiño, Liz Sanders, Ginnie Seger, Chris Trice


2:00 PM: Groundprov Day

How can an improviser get out of a scene that never ends? Watch as one performer navigates their way out of a scene that repeats again. And again. And again…

Cast: Em Fiske, James Jelin, Heather Marie Vitale, J.J. Jackson, Shawn Logue, Geoff Corey, Patrick Murray


2:11 PM: Harold: The Silent Film

The world-famous Harold format meets classic silent films of the 1920s. There is no speaking, but there is jangly piano music!

Cast: Brent Buxton, Matt Coit, Craig Gagel, Taylor Kniffin, Turner Meeks, Marco Steecker, Lauren Wason


2:22 PM: Empty Chair

Come and sit. Watch us tell your story from the comfort of the stage.

Cast: Marie Elise Diamond, Bill Nelson, Erin Troland, Rachel Peniston, Dylan Pfaff


2:31 PM: Big Love 

What happens when real life couples take the stage together? Big love, big shenanigans.

Cast: Erick Acuña, Neil Goodman Baron, Mark Chalfant, Sabahat Chaudhary, Patrick Fleury, Dana Malone Heiser, John Heiser, Kristina Martinez, Kelsey Peters, Marc Reber, David Steib, Kaelan Sullivan


2:42 PM: Fast Pitch

Audience participation required! Pick a pitch from Pete’s Level Five Class and enjoy on-the-spot entertainment!

Cast: Grace Campion, Colleen Ryan, Luke Slominski, Craig Gagel, Stephanie Bragdon, Chris Lewitzke, Sean McGrath, Lauren Kienzle, Lauren Jordan, Al-Hassan Koroma, J.P. McElyea


2:53 PM: Jordana’s Nightmare (According to Ray)

Jordana Mishory has one major WIT nightmare — being asked to do the booth (sound and Lights) for a show — and that is exactly what she is going to do — but blindfolded.

Cast: Blind Casting


2:58 PM: I’ll Be-Prov

Ever think you were in a dramatic musical montage in your feeling while in the middle of an everyday situation? Watch that fantasy get lived out.

Cast: Sarah Leibach, Dan Milliken, Erin Murray, Jessica Norman, Jared Smith


3:05 PM: Cross-Over

We all love a cross-over episode, now’s your chance to have your two favorite TV shows meet for a very special episode!

Cast: Rich Casey, Conor Halloran, Ben O’Hara, Erin Smith, and Blind Casting


3:16 PM: Pickle Jar, Pennsylvania, Historical Society Weekly Meeting

See a small town community get into lively debates over historical artifacts and landmarks.

Cast: Natalia Antas, Brent Buxton, Justin Carty, Jessica Estepa, Shawn Fisher, Daymond Guillaume, Bryan Hughes, Carlic Huynh, Shawn Logue, Ben O’Hara, Jason Rabayda, Lela Ross, Lisa Schreihart, Jared Smith, Nick Ufier, James Zipadelli


3:25 PM: Ghosts, Inc. 

You thought mortals were the only ones who dealt with red tape? Pssh, welcome to the world of ghost bureaucracy.

Cast: Michael Blunschi, Yael Granader, Justine Hipsky, Adam Levine, Jonathan Murphy, Jamal Newman, Katie Ozog, Lauren Woody


3:36 PM: Duelin’ Tailgates

Great minds drink alike.

Cast: Topher Bellavia, John Heiser, Luke Hennig, Dave Johnson, Adam Levine, Erin Murray, Samantha Schifrin, Jared Smith


3:48 PM: How Touching

Improvisers get up close and personal.

Cast: Blind Casting


3:59 PM: Ellis Island – The Musical  

If iMusical and Disney’s Newsies had a baby, it would be this show. Watch as we capture the magic of Ellis Island and the voyage to the “new world” while referencing 2019-relevant pop-culture and current events. The American Dream is alive! Or it’s an ironic, outmoded concept! Watch to find out!

Cast: M.J. Welch, Sally Murray, Stephanie Bragdon, Clyde Thompson, Jeff Waggett, Alex Wilkinson


4:10 PM: Rancy Neagan Presents: Women Supporting Women

Sure people support women, but if everyone LITERALLY SUPPORTED women?

Cast: Kelsie Anderson, Abby Fu, Maria Gahan, Kara Kinsey, Anna Ross, Samantha Schifrin, Heather Marie Vitale


4:21 PM: Live Tweeting History

We ask the audience for a suggestion of an actual historical event (example: the Gettysburg address or the Boston Tea Party). Then players will step out and reenact that event. Everyone on the backline with their phones will “live tweet” about the event reenacted before them. Improvisers in the backline will take turns stepping forward to read their tweets aloud to the audience as they are pretending to type them on their phone.

Cast: Shawn Logue, Raney John, Erin Smith, Rich Casey, Brent Buxton, Sarah Arkin, John Manning, Nick Ufier, Ryan Alloway, Ben O’Hara


4:26 PM: The Sunny Summer Senior Community Television News Network

Seniors have drama too, doncha know.

Cast: Neil Baron, Michael Hendrix, Kevin Mahoney, Jessica Norman, Jared Smith, Jane White


4:37 PM: Music Box

What if our everyday lives were set to music?

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Geoff Corey, Derek Hayes, Justine Hipsky, Jordana Mishory, Erin Murray, Jamal Newman, Sam Schifrin, Ben Taylor


4:48 PM: Insect Fight Club Presents: A Bar in Spokane

Tell us about your favorite dive bar and find out what happens inside after you’ve stumbled out.

Cast: Natalia Antas, Ted Blanton, Tawny Clark, Jennifer Hyman, Ted Livermore, Phil Morton, Paul Pearlman, Sarah Sarkin, Tandra Turner


4:59 PM: Two-Faced

See how the show must go on even when you aren’t feeling yourself.

Cast: Mikey Re, Ian Kitchens, Stephen Gabauer, Matt Pacino, Luke Slominski


5:06 PM: My Favorite Things: A Love Story

Watch a relationship unfold from beginning to end guided by the audience’s favorite things.

Cast: Lori Carpenter and Rob Falk


5:15 PM: Fortune Cookie 

See what happens when you follow the sage advice of the fortune cookie.

Cast: Carolina Chen, Anuj Christian, Gina Cordero, Christina Florida, Nina Hsu, Jasmine Jiang, Saleh Karaman, Richie Khanh, Margaret Lee, Satish Pillalamarri, Andrea Quach, Kenny Yi


5:20 PM: Bippity Boppity Bummer

What happens when your fairy godmother can only grant mediocre wishes?

Cast: Blind Casting 


5:31 PM: La Vie en French

We’re bringing back the original French vaudeville genre that unfolds family secrets and the comedic sense of absurd. Our dialogues will be in the langue de Molière, but la comédie est universelle!

Cast: Mark Chalfant, Cassandra Copello, Gina Cordero, Olivia D’Aoust, Shijit Dasgupta, Robin Doody, Lauren Gabel, Michael Hendrix, Diego Hernandez, Caroline Howe, Béatrice Leydier, Ryan McClure, Greer Smith, Alex Taliaferro


5:42 PM: Tales from Camp Green Lake

Shia Labeouf’s character got all the attention in the Disney classic “Holes,” but what about all the other kids we never saw who were forced to dig at Camp Green Lake?

Cast: Jack Lewis, Julia Zhen, Andal Paul, Sammy Garcia, Maya Johnston


5:53 PM: The Hypothesis Presents: David Attenborough Presents: Our Planet Earth

Be transported into nature to explore the animal kingdom as guided by the Hypothesis’ master naturalists

Cast: Ceci De Robertis, Tom Di Liberto, Nina Hsu, Margaret Lee, Jordana Mishory, Ben Taylor


6:04 PM: Laughing Pains

Inspired by Hannah Gadsby, this all queer woman cast, will go into the story behind our jokes and share both the funny and hard parts of being a queer woman today.

Cast: Eileen Breslin, Caroline Howe, Shawn Fisher, Jasmine Jiang, Beth Lyons, Mary Lauran Hall, Lisa Schreihart, Samantha Watson


6:15 PM: NBA Ballers

See what happens when your improv friends spent too much time F5-ing this NBA off-season.

Cast: Alan Prunier, Neil Baron, Richie Khanh, Spencer Orenstein, Martin Steger


6:20 PM: Shy

Hear the inner thoughts of improvisers as they think them during the show.

Cast: Alex Abbott, Brent Buxton, Lori Verchot Carpenter, Justin Carty, Ceci De Robertis, J.J. Jackson, Susan Jacob, Katie Honerkamp Lazo, Shawn Logue, Beth Lyons, Paul Pearlman, Matthew Taylor Strote, Triple Tee, Kristen Timko, Jermaine Trice, Clarissa Zies


6:31 PM: Mad Men, Ad Women

You pick the product and let our advertising geniuses create a catchy campaign for you.

Cast: Terrell Fuller, Justin Carty, Dan Millikin, Adam Levine, Kristen Timko,


6:42 PM: You & the Goo Presents: The Double U-Turn

Scenes take us from one place to another, but somehow we’ll make it back to where it all started.

Cast: Geoff Corey, Tom DiLiberto, Mikail Falaasi, Angela Karpienak, Kara Kinsey, Peter Narby, Kelsey Peters, Krystal Ramseur


6:53 PM: Date by the Bell

You’re going speed dating, but you’ve only got a minute, what will you talk about? Let the audience decide!

Cast: Sara Hussey, Andy Weld, Clarissa Zies,


7:00 PM: Sábado Picante: Inside Out

Everyone has a telenovela story — we will show you one of them!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Ceci De Robertis, Tony Lopez, Matt Mansfield, Spencer Orenstein, David Steib, Analia Gomez Vidal, Heather Marie Vitale


7:11 PM: DRM

A surreal dreamscape set to a primal beat.

Cast: Blind Casting 


7:22 PM: Sistine Robot and the Battle Between Good and Evil

One of DC’s longest running teams embodies the angel and devil on each of our shoulders.

Cast: Paul Hitlin, Dan Miller, Jonathan Murphy, Joe Randazzo, Sara Rouhi, Elise Webb


7:33 PM: Ruth Presents: Ruth Bader Improv!

Ruth will be improvising with the help of quotes from our namesake Ruth Bader Ginsburg. When the gavel strikes, we will have an RBG quote at hand!

Cast: Erick Acuña Pereda, Maddie Black, Anuj  Christina, Andrew Dickinson, Jojo Franzen, Maria Halloran, Dennis Pangindian, Ginnie Seger, Allison Yolo


7:44 PM: iMusical’s Song in Mind

There’s more to this gathering than meets the eye. iMusical’s cast creates a group scene around some kind of shared activity, but each character’s inner thoughts are a world unto themselves as we discover by hearing their soliloquy songs.

Cast: Cassie Barnum, Ryan Brookshire, Matt Berman, Mark Chalfant, Elaine Colwell, Catherine Deadman, Darnell Eaton, Patrick Fleury, Molly Graham, Beth Lyons, Dan Milliken, Travis Ploeger