7:30 PM: Ghost Club Presents: Before There Was Boo

Ghost Club will show you how it became a friendly cohort of ghouls!

Cast: Mark Abman, Elizabeth Cutler, Hawk Haines, Béatrice Leydier, Elizabeth Mulkey, Eli Okun, Bethany Stokes, Heather Marie Vitale, Sarah Wilson


7:46 PM: Live & Local

See a live town hall debating the merits of a historical event.

Cast: Stephanie Bragdon, Grace Campion, Craig Gagel, Lauren Kienzle, Chris Lewitzke, Sean McGrath, Colleen Ryan


7:57 PM: Doing Okay!

Things get tough sometimes, but we’re doing okay right now.

Cast: Nate Alston, Brent Buxton, Brendan Gaughan, Analia Gomez Vidal, Caroline Howe, J.J. Jackson, Tucker Kibbey, Shawn Logue, Tony Lopez, Beth Lyons, Kristin Timko, David Richman, Allison Shaw, Ashley Siebels


8:08 PM: The Heisers!

Wife and husband improvise together for the first time as a duo.

Cast: Dana Malone Heiser, John Heiser


8:19 Out Sick: A Medical Drama

You know them from Harold Night, now watch Out Sick seek treatment at a hospital right out of your favorite TV medical drama!

Cast: Jack Lewis, Bill Nelson, Alexandra Tucci, Karyn Wilson, Katie Munn, Lori Pitts, Max Makovetsky, Olivia Martinez, Samantha Watson


8:30 PM: Crimes Against Nursery Rhymes

You’ll never hear nursery rhymes the same way ever again!

Cast: Justin Carty, Shijit Dasgupta, Christina Ferrari, Bizzy Fain, Shawn Fisher, Brendan Gaughan, Carlic Huynh, Thomas Lam, Shawn Logue, Spencer Orenstein, Paul Pearlman, Kris Shenenberger, Jared Smith, Jermaine Trice


8:41 PM: Super Dad

Every parent has a quirky special “talent” that we love or hate. Real-life mother-son duo reverses roles to explore what makes “Dad” a Super Dad — with help from the audience.

Cast: Hilary Joel, Adam Joel


8:48 PM: Hellcat Does Dudeprov

It’s a show where all of Hellcat plays dude characters. But this isn’t a show about toxic masculinity, it’s a show where you can see dudes be vulnerable and sensitive.

Cast: Caroline Chen, Jenna Hall, Justine Hipsky, Clare Mulligan, Molly Murchie, Krystal Ramseur, Donna Steele, Kaelan Sullivan


9:03 PM: Behind-the-Scenes Harold

A show in which improvisers bring you in on all of our behind-the-scenes action of coming together as a group to perform for the audience.

Cast: Ryan Alloway, John Charles, Ben Edelman, Emi Ruff, Colleen Shaffer, Kris Shenenberger


9:14 PM: The ________ Story: An Improvised Mockumentary

Watch as events come to life in this behind-the-scenes look at the most epic story you’ve never heard before.

Cast: Blind Casting 


9:25 PM: In the Way Presents: Here’s What Was In the Way

We’re trying to do our show, but our coach keeps coaching us while we perform.

Cast: Anne Jordan, Emilyann Key, Svend Larsen, Chris Lewitzke, Turner Meeks, Hannah Osborne, Isabelle Solomon, Heather Marie Vitale


9:32 PM:  Huggy Smalls Presents: Mer-People in Huglantis

Watch a never-before-seen mer-movie and learn about the nuanced mer-sonas of these mer-people in their homemade mer-costumes (which definitely involve the improvisers taping their ankles together).

Cast: Lauren Emily, Em Fiske, JoJo Franzen, Richie Khanh, Nic Small, Jared Smith


9:43 PM: Be Our Guest

The most charming hosts in the world want to have you for dinner!

Cast: Mark Chalfant, Catherine Deadman


9:54 PM: Rave Bomb

See what happens when a simple, grounded scene is interrupted by a full out rave.

Cast: Geoff Blizard, Shawn Fisher, Ben O’Hara, Joe Randazzo, Lisa Schreihart, Jermaine Trice


9:59 PM: Trust Fall and Trust Issues Present: Trust Us, This’ll Be Great

See what happens when two teams join forces. Can we trust each other?

Cast: Maddie Black, Kalynn Chambers, Matt Coit, Niv Ellis, Rosie Grant, John Grobarek, Taylor Kniffin, Stephanie Kozikowski, Max Makovetsky, Kelsey Peters, Macey Schiff, Chris Sloan, Kaelan Sullivan


10:10 PM: Three’s Company 2

A modern-day version of the classic sitcom, Three’s Company.

Cast: Sarah Burstyn, Bizzy Fain, Daniel Miller


10:17 PM: Headphone Zone

At least two people per scene wear noise-canceling headphones so that they can’t hear anything else happening but still try to interact normally.

Cast: Joseph Bushur, Sarah Caffee, Lauren Gabel, Eric Holtzman, Andrew Lee, Sarah Liebman, David Mullins, Katie Munn


10:28 PM: Galbraith & Mishory Presents: The Space Between

Longtime duo Galbraith & Mishory is at your mercy! You get to pick the initiating line — and then tell us where to stand for each scene. And the space between us will determine the rest.

Cast: Isabel Galbraith, Jordana Mishory


10:39 PM: A Pleasant Family Dinner

Join our family at the dinner table while we partake in some pleasant and relaxing conversation to wind down from our extremely stressful days.

Cast: Alex Abbott, Geoff Blizard, Eileen Breslin, Em Fiske, Patrick Murray, Joe Randazzo, Matthew Strote


10:46 PM: The Spy Who Improv’d Me

A classic whodunnit involving a spy, murder(s), and improv (based on the board game, Spy Fall, but totally no trademark or copyright infringement).

Cast: Lee Bennett, Grace Chou, Christina Ferrari, Susan Jacob, Alexander Mell-Taylor, Trish Rowlison, Sarah Spell, Chris Westfall, Sli’im Williams


10:57 PM: Maple Sunday Presents: Ahhh Real Monsters

Because there’s a monster inside all of us.

Cast: Stacey Axler, Nicole Barrett, Roderick Daniels, Rosie Grant, Kelsey Peters, Will Roughan, Alex Taliaferro, Jason Walther


11:08 PM: Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

The meal may be done, but the memories last forever. See what new encounters and surprises can emerge from the inspiration of one favorite meal.

Cast: Hilary Joel, Steve Pilloff


11:15 PM: The Broken Bones Does Improv and Gets Hurt

We turn injury into comedy… blindfolded!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Neil Baron, Kristina Martinez, Kelsey Peters


11:26 PM: Late Night Nighty Night Nighttime Show

Watch what happens when an eclectic cast of comedians performs an improvised version of the classic American late-night variety show.

Cast: Blind Casting