

7:30 PM Day of Throne

You know nothing, Del Close. An improvised winter is coming. After an audience interview, prepare for the world premier of… DAY OF THRONES.

Cast: Felicia Barnes, Ryan Brookshire, Paul Chen, Gina Cordero, Geoff Corey, Tim Harkin, Mary Lauran Hall, John Heiser, Michael Hendrix, Justine Hipsky, David Lapkoff, Ryan McClure, Ginnie Seger, Samantha Schifrin, Seth Payne, Kelsey Peters, Jason Walther, Nicholas Wheaton


7:46 PM Armando Calrissian

The one where Chewy does a monologue.

Cast: Stacey Axler, Nicole Barrett, Rosie Grant, Justin Lamb


7:57 PM Girl Group Boy Band

Watch what happens backstage before the greatest boy band of all time takes the stage.

Cast: Kelsie Anderson, Lauren Madeville, Allison Theveny, Madeline Turrini


8:04 PM Your Guest is as Good as Mine

Best in Show, A Mighty Wind, Mascots… all character studies on enthusiasts written and directed by Christopher Guest. We bring you into an improvised Guest-world!

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Lori Carpenter, Geoff Corey, Bizzy Fain, John Heiser, Justine Hipsky, Tonya Jordan, Alex Kazanas, Clare Mulligan, Katie Ozog, David Richman, Goli Samimi, Kaelan Sullivan, Heather Marie Vitale


8:15 PM Better Than The Original

Making your favorite movies even favoriter.

Cast: Nic Small, BLIND CAST


8:26 PM Bombay Vindaloo Director’s Cut

Director’s cut version of a Bollywood movie, fully improvised and much shorter.

Cast: Anuj Christian, Sharmistha Das, Shijit Dasgupta, Richie Khanh, Satish Pillalamarri, Rashee Raj, David Richman, Rai Sen, Kavita Solanki


8:37 PM Manic Pixie Dream Women

Rom coms are so predictable, but these manic pixie dream women will always subvert expectations.

Cast: Jeff Bollen, Kristin Brown, Lori Carpenter, Paul Chen, Lauren Cross, Jordana Mishory, Jessica Norman, Paul Pearlman, Kelsey Peters, Allison Shaw, Nic Small, Heather Marie Vitale


8:48 PM Juggleprov

A show that combines performance juggling with improv.

Cast: Nathan Bynum, Brian Fu


8:55 PM Relish: The Moment Presents: Inner Thoughts

Not only do you get to hear what’s being said, you get to hear what’s being thought as well.

Cast: Trish Doe, J.J Jackson, Ian Kitchens, Maddy Mundy, Bianca Recto, Digant Shaw, Luke Slominski


9:06 PM Commonwealth Rules

Sure, we’ll follow the rules of improv but – yeah, you audience- you must follow our rules too.

Cast: Robin Doody, Jules Duffy, Jamie Lantinen, Kevin Mahoney, Dennis Johnson, Jaci Pulice, Kaelan Sullivan, Stewart Walsh



And now a word from our friendly meteorologists.

Cast: Tom Di Liberto, Jared Smith


9:27 PM Double Date Presents: Key Party

Chris, Joe, Jane, and Nina want to spice things up. They’re hosting a key party!

Cast: Nina Hsu, Joe Randazzo, Chris Ulrich, Jane White


9:38 PM Close Talkers

Serious conversations, uncomfortably close.

Cast: Heather Marie Vitale, Blind Cast


9:49 PM Love is Blind

A first date can be magic or tragic but always full of surprises.

Cast: Tom Di Liberto, Kara Kinsey, Seth Payne, Zachary Stetka, Tu-An Truong


9:54 PM Bounce

Will you get in to the most exclusive club ever to take stage at Improvapalooza? Probably not. Will you have fun trying? Absolutely.

Cast: Denny Johnson, Mark Chalfant


10:01 PM Encore! & The Soundtrack of their Lives!

Let the live music be the soundtrack to your life …. or at least, your improvised life.

Cast: Ryan Brookshire, Luke Hennig, Adam Levine, Dan Milliken, Caroline Pettit, Jaci Pulice  


10:12 PM The Hypothesis Presents: The Henderson Middle School Science Fair

The cast of the Hypothesis is presenting at the Henderson Middle School annual science fair. Come learn and laugh!

Cast: Joe Dawson, Tom DiLiberto, Nina Hsu, Margaret Lee, Jordana Mishory, Ceci de Robertis, Elijah Sloan


10:23 PM Political Attack Ads

Everyone has a weakness, which can and will be used against you in a contest for the affections of the electorate. Political Attack Ads are an Art Form. That Can and Will Be Applied To Anything.

Cast: Hendrix Michael, Hall Mary Lauran


10:30 PM Runaway Dungeon Master

Have you ever wanted to take control of someone else’s story? Now’s your chance…take a roll of the dice.

Cast: Matthew Childers, Pete Hanner, Tom Hische, Millie Kastenbaum


10:41 PM Runaway Jury

The verdict is in, and the jury is OUT!

Cast: Erick Acuna, Michael Alvino, Nora Boedecker, Lauren Boston, Eileen Breslin, Geoff Corey, Allan Eakin, Patrick Fleury, Isabel Galbraith, Jordana Mishory, Elizabeth Mulkey, Lauren Woody


10:52 PM Blue Man Prov

See the life of the Blue Man Group when not in the limelight.

Cast: Kevin Mahoney, Ben Taylor, Alex Kazanas, Robin Doody, Cat Fullerton, Elise Webb, Macey Schiff


11:03 PM One Women Show

Have you seen a one woman show? Yeah it’s like that but five times as raw.

Cast: Catherine Deadman, Jules Duffy, Caroline Pettit, Jaci Pulice, Kate Symes



Characters and relationships take on a new form when all you see is glow. A group of women performs long form improv. In the dark. While glowing.

Cast: Stacey Axler, Caroline Chen, Em Fiske, JoJo Franzen, Abby Fu, J.J. Jackson, Ami Krasner, Rai Sen, Katie Watkins