7:30 PM Capital Cringe
We’ve all done awkward things that we shudder to remember, but they couldn’t have been that bad, right? WRONG. For this show, we’ll get a cringeworthy anecdote from the audience and then play out the consequences in melodramatic fashion.

Cast: Abigail Fu, Alex Kazanas, Alissa Platz, Ben O’Hara, Carlic Huynh, Clare Mulligan, Dana Heiser, David Richman, Eli Okun, Erick Acuña, Hannah Piper, Jen Hyman, Joe Randazzo, Madeline Dozier, Matt Alexander, Matt Strote, Mikail Faalasli, Peter Tzeng, Sam Ruback, Stacey Pelika

7:46 PM Murder Yacht
Murder Yacht is a murder-mystery comedy cruise with a touch of danger.

Cast: Ben Perone, Caroline Wolverton, Darnell Eaton, David Spears, Delal Pektas, Gene Alexeyev, Hannah Lord, Jamal Newman, Joey Cathey, John Davis, Phil Bolin, Stephanie Wester, Virginia Gorsevski

7:58 PM HypeMusical
Every singer needs a backup singer.

Cast: Adrianne Thomas, Anna Claire Walker, Beth Lyons, Cassie Barnum, Elaine Tinkleman, Geoff Corey, Mark Chalfant, Matt Berman, Mike O’Connor, Ryan Campbell, Simone Webster, Travis Ploeger

8:14 PM A Magical Night with The Hypothesis
The Hypothesis welcomes you all for a enchanted night in which we answer life’s most magical mysteries. Bring your curiosity and an open mind.

Cast: Bethany Stokes, Goli Samimi, Henry Ring, Jordana Mishory, Nic Small, Tom Di Liberto

Goth Baby goes for the EGOT.

Cast: Nicole Barrett, Gwnedolyn Bogard, Grace Campion, Nora Dell, Niv Elis, Adrian Gaston Garcia, Carly Kraybill, Ryan Lockshin, Aagosh Mathur, Ryan Pierannunzi

8:38 PM All the World’s a Stage
Shakespeare is still relevant, right?

Cast: Clare Mulligan, Diego Dew, Jamal Newman, Liz Hoke, Lori Pitts, Mark Chalfant, Marissa Chaffee, Meredith Garagiola, Patrick Fleury

8:47 PM The Cam and Sam Show
Watch all your favorite parts of a cartoon come to life in this fast paced show.

Cast: Sam Ruback, Cam Luther

8:54 PM Antiques Roadshow-prov
We travel the country in search of America’s secret (improvised) treasures.

Cast: Blind Cast

9:06 PM Greek Chorus Presents: A Muse-ical
This Greek Chorus is here to both inspire and a-muse…. and of course help elevate the improv through their muse-ic.

Cast: Anna Claire Walker, Elaine Tinkelman, Geoff Corey, Hayley Emerson, Jordana Mishory, Macey Schiff, Mike O’Connor, Simone Webster

9:22 PM Thanksgiving with Three Uncles
That one weird uncle at thanksgiving x3, on steroids.

Cast: Carly Kraybill, Daniel Barerra Ortega, Gwendolyn Bogard, Marisa Borreggine, Nora Dell, Ryan Pierannunzi

9:31 PM 50 Worst Dates
“You haven’t seen the worst of the DC dating scene… yet.”

Cast: Adam Rice, Akbar Suri, Erika Feller, James Goen, Katherine Mash, Kevin Tomko, Meghan Burns, Meera Kallupura, Pancha Gil, Shruti Gandhy

9:42 PM Coaches at Halftime
Two coaches give a halftime pep talk to their team.

Cast: Jamal Newman, Chris Ulrich

9:51 PM Duneprov
In the desert (palooza) there’s only one rule: you must WALK WITHOUT RHYTHM

Cast: Blind Cast

9:58 PM Next ON TAP: The Beat of a Harold
Don’t shuffle-ball-change that channel: these experienced tap dancers are performing a fully tap danced Harold!

Amber Bellsdale, Andrea Mosee, Emmy Harvey, Goli Samimi, Jordana Mishory, Kacie Peterson, Katie Munn

10:10 PM Sock LeRonde
A bunch of different disconnected sock characters who, like all us, have unexpected connections and commonalities.

Cast: Devin Hiett, Madeline Dozier, Melissa Gedney

10:19 PM Main Character Energy: There Can Only Be One
A Libra and a Leo battle it out on stage to be the main character in the scenes.

Cast: Bethany Coan, Devin Hiett

10:26 PM That’s So You Presents: We’re So Us
After two years of being stuck on a team together, you might say That’s So You knows each other’s moves inside and out. Come see us try to put that to the test!

Cast: Chris Lewitzke, Andrea Quach, Jason Re, Katie Munn, Lauren Gabel, Taylor Kniffin, David Shadburn, Steve Karig, Jamal Newman

10:35 PM Whose Crime Is It Anyway?
Got a crime and a suspect in mind? Our improv pros will crack it up and serve you justice with a side of laughs!

Cast: Ahsan Butt, Angie Wilt, Garima Singal, Grant Faber, Joey Kiesel, Luke Swinford, Natasha Herrick, Sean McDonnell

10:47 PM The Musical Improv Conservatory Presents: One Big Mole
OMG, it’s the biggest mole you’ve ever seen!

Cast: Betsy Baldwin, David Shadburn, David Steib, Goli Samimi, Hayley Emerson, Isaac Stone, James Freeman, Jonah Gordon, Jordana Mishory, Julie Tice, Lexcia Carr, Mike O’Connor, Mikki Smith, M.J. Welch, Ryan Baugh, Sarah Burstyn, Stephen Gabauer, Steve Karig, Taylor Emerson

10:55 PM Babylon
Watch as improvisers create scenes with one another using every language but English.

Cast: Blind Cast

11:06 PM The Eras Tour (Part II)
The Eras Tour is finally coming to DC! And you will get it all 3 1/2 hours in 11 minutes (or however long the committee gives us).

Cast: Kelsey Peters, Nicole Barrett

11:14 PM I Could Pee On This
We have cattitude! Thus, we really could pee on this.

Cast: Alex Abbott, Amber Bellsdale, Chris Olinger, David Richman, Diana Lewkowicz, Joe Randazzo, Kelly Shannon, Lisa Schreihart, Niv Elis, Peter Tzeng

11:23 PM Golden Disney Bachelor
Decades after their fairy tale endings, the Disney Princesses are down on their luck and looking for love. But who is really here for the right reasons?

Cast: Madison Schneider, Jay Taylor, Liz Schurgin, Carolina Ramoa, Izzy Hartnett, Carolyn Clendenin, Devika Daga, and Lee Gimpel

11:32 PM Previously On Palooza
Already forget the fever dream that is Palooza? Fret no more with this reenactment!

Cast: Blind Cast