6:00 PM Disco-Prov
Musical Improv like you’ve never seen before! We don’t sing, we dance…and we keep disco dancing for the whole groovy show!

Cast: Alissa Platz, Amber Bellsdale, Anna Nelson, Ben O’Hara, Christine Lowther Olinger, David Richman, Diana Lewkowicz, Erick Acuña, Goli Samimi, Julia Gross, Kanmani Duraikkannan, Kelly Shannon, Lisa Schreihart, Macey Schiff, Matt Alexander, Matt Berman, Matt Strote, Meghan Faulkner, Niv Elis, Rach L. Sloan, Rhonda Mendoza, Sam Ruback

6:12 PM Left vs Right lobe
Do you ever wonder how your brain ACTUALLY works? Learn how your left and right brain work together from people who are just making it up on the spot, like everyone, all the time.

Cast: Blind Cast

6:19 PM Meet Not Cute
What’s the best way to meet your nemesis? Find out in “Meet Not Cute”!

Cast: Brent Buxton, Elizabeth Cutler, Meaghan Griffith

6:28 PM Standby Children Go to the Movies
Come watch your favorite movies get acted out LIVE before your very eyes!

Cast: Al-Hassan Koroma, Alissa Platz, Armin Haracic, Catherine Mullins, Daniel Calingaert, Jason Fliegel, Joe Randazzo, Kelly Shannon, Liz Lowry, Richard Johnson, Vasant Joseph

6:39 PM Force Majeure
A hastily assembled but well-meaning group of improvisers tries to put on sensible, entertaining show. Meanwhile… an unhinged and unseen force seizes control of the mic.

Cast: Blind Cast

6:46 PM The 4th Annual Clenched FIST
It’s the entire Fighting Improv Smackdown Tournament, but condensed into a fun-sized 15 minutes.

Cast: Matt Alexander, Amber Bellsdale, Jeff Bollen, John Carroll, Genevieve Dabrowski, Madeline Dozier, Niv Ellis, Mikail Faalasli, Meghan Faulkner, Abby Fu, Stephen Gabauer, Craig Gagel, Jonah Gordon, Alex Kazanas, Carlic Isee, David Lapkoff, Turner Meeks, Jordana Mishory, Tim Montgomery, Anna Nelson, Ben O’Hara, Hannah Piper, Alissa Platz, Joe Randazzo, Jason Re, Sam Ruback, Goli Samimi, Macey Schiff, David Shadburn, Kelly Shannon, Mikki Smith, Jared Smith, Bethany Stokes, Matt Strote, Peter Tzeng

7:02 PM Press Play, Fast Forward, and Rewind
Press Play will change scenes using the functions on a remote control: play, pause, fast forward, etc.

Cast: Erick Acuña, Sabahat Chaudhary, Dana Malone, Matt Mansfield, Jason Walther

7:13 PM Dead Plant Society Presents: Unpeel an Onion
People come and people go, but at the end of the day, somethings always happening.

Cast: Chris Clark, Clyde Darren Thompson, Eddison Wilkinson, Genevieve Dabrowski, Hannah Piper, Jonah Gordon, Kevin Eggleston, Mike Kopalek, Mikki Smith, Sarah Herhold

7:22 PM Honk, Honk, I’m a Goose
WIT’s first 100% bird-based comedy show. Flock around and find out.

Cast: Abby Brown, Ama’d Woodard, Chau Ngo, Coumba Gueye, Danielle Steger, David Trinh, Fahreen Hakim, Justin Williams, Liz Griffith, Maggie Briand, Malissa Magiera

7:33 PM Uncle Gorgeous Presents: Uncle Garbage
Uncle Gorgeous cleans up our act and cleans out your pocket!

Cast: Samiyyah Ali, Jessie Cali, Tom DiLiberto, Madeline Dozier, Mikail Faalasli, Rae Lang, Kristina Martinez, Ryan McCloskey, Jordana Mishory, Jamal Newman, Kelsey Peters

7:46 PM Desperate Measures: No Way Out
Veteran duo performers Mark Chalfant and Catherine Deadman ask the audience for something inescapable as the suggestion for their monoscene exploring the dark recesses and sharp edges in human relationships.

Cast: Catherine Deadman, Mark Chalfant

7:55 PM GenderqueerProv!
Just a bunch of genderqueer folks having fun!

Cast: Blind Cast

8:06 PM QVC does HSN
Get Inspired For a Brand New Style! Queer Variety Cavalcade Hosts Birdie and Butchie take over HSN with a curated collection of fresh new finds that will have you going from JCPenny to O-Yas-Henny! Bring your wallets, Babes… All proceeds will go to The National Center for Transgender Equality.

Cast: Birdie DuBidet, Butchie McBride, TDB, TDB

8:17 PM How to Stay Friends with your Ex
Can you really stay friends with an ex?? Yes, you can.

Cast: Renan Snowden, Peter Tzeng

8:22 PM The Improvised Table Read
A live table read of a beloved TV episode that no one has ever seen before.

Cast: John Carroll, Geoff Corey, Alex Kazanas, Jordana Mishory, Jamal Newman, Joe Randazzo, Henry Ring, Liz Sanders, Matt Strote

8:33 PM Not Your Mother’s Daughters Presents: Not Your Father’s Son
Not Your Mother’s Daughters are taking the stage to say, “Luke, we are your fathers!”

Cast: Sam Ruback, Chizo Nwagwu, Gunjan Maheshwari, Claire Brisse

8:42 PM The Can’t Evens Presents: The Can’t Disagree-vens
They’re trapped in an escape room. They can’t get out — unless they agree how.

Cast: Danielle Steger, Elizabeth Cutler, Goli Samimi, Meghan Faulkner

8:51 PM WIT National Spelling Bee
WIT’s finest spellers combat for ultimate glory in this year’s national spelling bee. Letter rip!

Cast: Blind Cast

9:00 PM Yes, Anderson-prov
See the styling of a Wes Anderson movie as an improv show!

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Ben Lockshin, Cassie Hoffman, Ian Stout, Mairzy Krulic, Olu Okusaga, Peter Tzeng, Stephanie Wester, Zhaokang Ong

9:12 PM Croon(er)struck 2
Moonstruck 2 will chat you up and fly you to the moon. That’s life!

Cast: Jordana Mishory, Liz Sanders, Macey Schiff, Mike O’Connor, Simone Webster

9:22 PM Turning Tables: A Soap Opera
A WIT Harold team, Table for 11, turns their theatrical dial up to 11 in this never before seen episode of your favorite afternoon soap.

Cast: Andrea Mosee, Aaron Harris, Jack Barnes, Chizo Nwagwu, Sam Ruback, Aimee Imundo, Jeanna Kim, Ola Komolafe, Cameron Luther, Phil Jones

9:31 PM The Feel-Good $how
We will give you the warm fuzzies… for a price.

Cast: Chris Olinger, Clare Mulligan, Liz Hoke

9:40 PM CLIMATE with Tom and Jared
Join Tom and Jared as they stop talking about the weather for a bit and take you on a climate journey, inspired by Tom’s real NOAA cartoon series Teek and Tom explore Planet Earth.

Cast: Tom Di Liberto, Jared Smith

9:47 PM Your Favorite Cookie Presents: A Cookies Noir Vacation
Your Favorite Cookies transports you to the dark and mysterious world of a Hollywood crime drama, but instead of solving a murder we are going on vacation!

Cast: Abby Haverty, Beatrice Leydier, Brent Buxton, Caroline Kelly, Cassie Hoffman, Erick Acuña, Gabby Villegas, Jacksón Smith, James Crisafulli, Kendall Hollimon, Kim Borowicz, Ryan Knight, Svend Larsen

9:58 PM Will Shortz-form
An ode to the legendary NYT crossword editor, Will Shortz. With your help we’ll make those tough NYT crossword clues come to life!

Cast: Bethany Coan, Alex Kazanas

10:05 PM A to D(nD)prov
Dungeon delvers describe mishaps over an ale.

Cast: Blind Cast

10:16 PM CSI Miami-Prov: Crime and PUNishment (Season 9)
The Palooza tradish-pun continues for the ninth consecutive year. And the puns? They are killer!

Cast: Clare Mulligan, David Shadburn, Elizabeth Cutler, Jane White, Jordana Mishory, Kacie Peterson, Liz Sanders, Matt Berman, Mikail Faalasli, Mike O’Connor, Nic Small, Patrick Fleury, Tom Di Liberto

10:27 PM You Didn’t Hear it From Me
Inspired by “Normal Gossip” podcast ensemble will act out a piece of gossip. Audience members will help shape the destiny of our characters as we dive into the lives and decisions of complete strangers.

Cast: Blind Cast

10:38 PM In the Arms of the Angel
You never know when one of those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials might strike.

Cast: Al-Hassan Koroma, Bethany Stokes, Chris D’Silva, Devin Hiett, Eli Okun, Madeline Dozier, Mikail Faalasli, Ryan McCloskey, Svend Larsen

10:49 PM Sabado Picante Presents: La Decada Picante
Sabado Picante, DC’s only all-Spanish improvised telenovela, is celebrating 10 years. In this episode, we will go back in time to bring dramatic twists to what could have been.

Cast: Erick Acuña, Daniel Barrera, Elizabeth Cutler, Cecilia De Robertis, Analía Gómez Vidal, Matthew Mansfield, David Steib

11:00 PM Tag, I’m It
Do you find it confusing when an improvisor leaves a scene just cause someone touched their shoulder? We’re gonna do our best to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Cast: Caroline Howe, Eddison Wilkkinson, Emily Bramowitz, Hannah Piper, Jack Barnes, Joe Randazzo, Kacie Peterson, Mikki Smith, MJ Welch

11:07 PM Play By Play
The competition for live sports programming has never been stiffer. See what happens when we call improv like a competitive sport.

Cast: Alex Kazanas, Clyde Thompson, Dana Heiser, Geoff Corey, Goli Samimi, Ian Farley, Jamal Newman, Jane White, Jared Smith, John Heiser, Jordana Mishory, Kendall Hollimon, Liz Sanders

11:22 PM Hellcat Presents: The Bad Girls of Improv as the Good Girls of History
Hellcat might be the bad girls of improv, but today we’re the good girls of history.

Cast: Aubrey Peterson, Clare Mulligan, Devin Hiett, Kaelan Sullivan-Fleury, Lori Pitts, Melissa Gedney, Sarah Baldwin, Simonica Mendes, Steph Wilson

11:35 PM Sleep No More-Prov
Expect the unexpected as immersive theatre meet improve.

Cast: Blind Cast

11:44 PM Huggy Huggy Hippos
Keep your fingers off our tails.

Cast: Chris Orvin, Em Fiske, Jared Smith, Jojo Franzen, Nic Small, Richie Khanh

11:56 PM The Musical Version Presents: The Show You Just Saw
Witness the show you just saw – as an improvised musical!

Cast: Cale Harper, Darnell Eaton, Erick Acuña, Jonah Gordon, Hayley Emerson, Patrick Fleury, Sarah Baldwin, Taylor Emerson

12:12 AM Hot Ones
The show with hot questions and even hotter wings™

Cast: Ben Perone, Michael Sanchez, Stephanie Wester, +1 TBD 

12:20 AM Gay Porn Prov: Let’s Make Literature Gay
What if classic literature was a little more gay?

Cast: Blind Cast

12:27 AM Improv Cowboy
You ready to buckle up and do some real improv, son?

Cast: Adina Lasser, Alex Wilkinson, Clare Mulligan, Craig Gagel, Clyde Thompson, Darnell Eaton, Devin Hiett, Isabelle Solomon, Madeline Dozier

12:36 AM Too Many Cooks
Join us for a live recording of a cooking class from our master chefs!

Cast: Eva Lewis, Lauren Gabel, Macey Schiff, Melissa Gedney