12:00 PM Remedial Acting Class for Improvisers
What really happens in theater conservatory classes? An improv team is about to find out!

Cast: Aagosh Mathur, Adrian Gaston Garcia (AGG), Amber Bellsdale, Chizo Nwagwu, Grace Campion, Gwendolyn Bogard, Mairzy Webster, Niv Elis, Nora Dell, Peter Tzeng, Ryan Pierannunzi

12:16 PM WITtle Ones
Find out with happens with the babies and kids of WIT improviser’s take the stage. Are they better improvisers than their parents? The answer to that is YES!

Cast: Angela Karpieniak, Brianna Lux, Dana Heiser, Jeff Bollen, Jessica Norman, John Carroll, John Heiser, Julia D’Ambrosi, Kaelan Fleury, Kristina Martinez, Lauren Woody, Liz Sanders, Mikey Blunschi, Neil Baron, Patrick Fleury, Tom Di Liberto

12:26 PM Whatever Happened to Neon Salami
Neon Salami was the hottest indie improv team in town five years ago, at least in their own minds. COVID put an end to that. Where are they now? What has become of them? Let’s find out together. At some point, this show will almost certainly become about butts and/or farts.

Cast: Beth Ruedi, Jason Fliegel, Javi Calderon, Lucas Feldman

12:35 PM It’s Pronounced La Koi
From the creators of Finding Nemo and Finding Dori, come It’s Pronounced La Koi, an improv show about what happens in a koi pond. Clad in custom-created sequined koi fish costumes, this school of fish explores the day-to-day operations of what it takes for these multi-colored beauties to stay beautiful. Did we mention these fish are French and full of opinions?

Cast: Alissa Platz, Danielle Steger, Jared Smith, Nic Small

12:44 PM WITskey Shots- a take on JTS Brown
Improv without rules: this is your brain on WITskey

Cast: Blind Cast

12:55 PM Thunderdoom
Perfection isn’t the enemy of the good, it’s the only thing. Watch what happens when performers who thought they were working with professionals find out they were wrong.

Cast: Adan Garcia, Ali Stahr, Avalon Warner-Gonzales, Jordana Mishory, Kathryn Evans, Mason Heilman, Troy Vagianelis, Vasant Joseph

1:00 PM The Four Heads Presents: Four More Heads
The Four Heads are gearing up for another trip – this time, with four more heads!

Cast: Chris Ulrich, Eddison Wilkinson, Jason Re, Joe Randazzo, John Heiser, Jonah Gordon, Matt Berman, Turner Meeks

1:11 PM Rom Com Prov
A series of DC Dates based off Romantic Comedy tropes in film/tv and books.

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Claire Brisse, Gunjan Maheshwari, Mairzy Evans, Renan Snowden, Sam Ruback, Peter Tzeng

1:22 PM Got Your Back!
When you have problems, you can always count on your friends to give helpful advice. They’ve got your back!

Cast: Ben Perone, Caroline Wolverton, Danica Gonzalves, Rachel Sloan, Stephanie Wester

1:33 PM The Ultimate Harold
If you haven’t seen every Harold team perform, now is your chance! Catch all teams in one big ultimate Harold.

Cast: Aagosh Mathur, Aaron Harris, Abby Haverty, Adina Lasser, AdrianGaston Garcia, Alissa Platz, Avalon Warner-Gonzales, Brent Buxton, Betsy Milarcik, Cassie Hoffman, Catherine Mullins, Chizobam Nwagwu, Chris Clark, Christine Olinger, Craig Gagel, Daniel Barrera, David Lapkoff, Grace Campion, Genevieve Dabrowski, Gwendolyn Bogard, Hannah Piper, Jack Barnes, Jason Fliegel, Jeanna Kim, Joe Randazzo, Jonah Gordon, Kacie Peterson, Kelly Shannon, Leslie Turner, Liz Lowry, Marisa Borreggine, Matt Alexander, Matthew Schwartz, Meghan Faulkner, Meaghan Griffith, Michelle (Mikki) Smith, Natalie Knazik, Nicole Barrett, Niv Elis, Nora Dell, Richard Johnson, Ryan Pierannunzi, Sam Jackson, Sam Ruback, Shawn Peabody, Stanley Seiden, Tim Montgomery, Turner Meeks, Urmila Janardan

1:48 PM It’s Car Talk, but with Improv
You look like an older NPR fan and/or someone who thinks they know a bit about cars. Well this show isn’t Car Talk. It’s Car Talk, but about Improv.

Cast: Ryan McClure, Matt Strote

1:57 PM The Room Has Walls: A Monoscene
The most true-to-life monoscene you’ve seen, where improvisers not in the room have precisely no idea what is going on.

Cast: Caroline Chen, Diego Dew, Geoff Corey, Jonathan Murphy, Jordana Mishory, Liz Sanders, Macey Schiff, Melissa Gedney, Steve Karig

2:08 PM Sir Spam Folder A lot
See what happens when we bring someone’s spam folder to life.

Cast: Alex Abbott, Amber Bellsdale, Anna Nelson, Ben O’Hara, Carlic Huynh, Christine Olinger, Daniel Barrera, David Richman, Ian Stout, Joe Randazzo, Kanmani Duraikkannan, Peter Tzeng

2:19 PM Celebrating Milestones 2023-2024
Life happens and nothing will prevent us from feeling and spreading the joy of our sharing our milestones. We will celebrate and be celebrated!

Cast: Blind Cast

2:30 PM Real Love Is Blind
“Love is blind.” Corinthians 13:4.

Cast: Chris Spiller, Genevieve Dabrowski, Hannah Piper, Jonah Gordon, Matt Smith, Mikki Smith, Sarah Herhold

2:37 PM The Wanderers
We survived the apocalypse, but can we survive each other?

Cast: Alex Kazanas, Danielle Steger, Geoff Corey, Jane White, Macey Schiff, Michael Alvino, Nic Small

2:48 PM Who dies?
One of the characters will be dead by the end of the show. But who?

Cast: Meghan Faulkner, Nicole Barrett, Niv Elis, Nora Dell

2:57 PM But Is It Actually Organic?
Organic Improv students find out once and for all: is organic worth it?

Cast: Hannah Piper, Juliette Price, Marcy Coburn, Olu Okusaga, Patrick Maxwell, Sabrina Shahmit, Simone Gannage, Stephanie Wester, Steve Pilloff

3:06 PM The Gauntlet: No, But
They say improv is all about “yes and.” Can it ever be about “no, but?”

Cast: Blind Cast

3:11 PM Simulation Error
See what happens when a computer simulation goes wrong.

Cast: Brent Buxton, Caroline Kelly, Craig Gagel, Genevieve Dabrowski, Mikki Smith, Ryan Knight

3:22 PM WIT Board Office Hours
Current and former board members get together to advise an audience member on a life decision.

Cast: Matt Alexander, Geoff Corey, Analia Gomez Vidal, Aimee Imundo, Precious Jenkins, Hilary Joel, Clare Mulligan, Stacey Pelika, Jelicia Ross

3:33 PM The Gauntlet: No Laughing Matter
They say improv is supposed to be funny. But what if it’s not?

Cast: Blind Cast

3:38 PM Queensberg Presents: Meta Monono
Ever wonder what improvisers are thinking while they perform? Join Queensberg as they freeze a scene in real time to break down what’s happening on stage.

Cast: Adina Lasser, Avalon Warner-Gonzales, Betsy Milarcik, Chris Clark, Genevieve Dabrowski, Kacie Peterson, Matthew Schwartz, Meaghan Griffith, Michael Williamson, Sam Jackson, Ryan McCloskey

3:49 PM HulkProv
Hulk mad, Hulk sad, and Hulk glad! What if our whole world was populated with Hulks?

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Cassie Ann, Claire Brisse, Ian Stout, Jasper Harvey, Olu Okusaga, Peter Tzeng, Stephen Ho

3:58 PM The Gauntlet: Liminality
They say good improv scenes have an established who/what/where. But what if there isn’t?

Cast: Blind Cast

4:03 PM Irkin & Blirkin: Alien PR Campaign
There are a lot of terribly false stereotypes about Aliens, and Irking and Blirkin are travelling the Earth to dispel these myths.

Cast: Craig Gagel, Steve Pilloff

4:12 PM Girass! Presents: GirAdLibs
The audience will help Girass! create a wacky Mad Libs story that will serve as the inspiration for a run of fun.

Cast: Kate Axelsson, Javi Calderon, Jason Fliegel, Devon Grams, Jen Hyman, Stacey Pelika, Aimee Lee Savage, Steven Vacnin

4:23 PM Audience Pep Talk
Everyone needs a pep talk sometimes. We’re here for you, audience members!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Stacey Axler, Geoff Corey, Darnell Eaton, Patrick Fleury, Dana Malone Heiser, John Heiser, Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Macey Schiff, Analía Gómez Vidal

4:34 PM An Improvised Russian Novel
Mix and match Golden Age Russian novel tropes to create brand new stories

Cast: Blind Cast

4:45 PM Couples Therapy
Couple’s Therapy: Wherein Drs. Kevin and Devin, the supremely qualified board-certified highly ethical married couple who see clients together, offer you dueling therapeutic perspectives!

Cast: Devin Hiett, Kevin Eggleston

4:54 PM Kitchen Mishaps
Ever melted a plastic container to your oven range? Us too! For these and other adventures in kitchen disasters, come out to see: Kitchen Mishaps!

Cast: Ben O’Hara, Christine Olinger, Emerson French, Eric Acuña, Isaac Stone, Julia Gross, Lisa Schreihart

5:04 PM Lou’s The Prime Minister Presents: Lou’s Line Is It Anyway?
“This is what I dreamed Whose Line would be.” – Drew Carey, probably.

Cast: Betsy Baldwin, David Steib, Hayley Emerson, James Freeman, Jordana Mishory, Mike O’Connor , Mikki Smith, Patrick Hsieh

5:20 PM The Mostly Improvisers Sketch Team Presents: A Switcheroo
The Mostly Improvisers Sketch Team is a sketch team of mostly improvisers! In this little production the 5 improvisers will read scripted lines we wrote ahead of the show, while the 1 pure sketch artist has to improvise ALL his lines.

Cast: Bobby Cohoat, Eva Lewis, Lauren Gabel, Macey Schiff, Nicole Barett, Tim Montgomery

5:27 PM Olympics Recap
Sports journalists and athletes discuss the biggest moments of the 2024 summer Olympics.

Cast: Blind Cast

5:36 PM Our Backup Drama
Improv team the reality show.

Cast: Alex Kazanas as coach, Andrew Ly, Jojo Franzen, Leslie Turner, Matt Alexander, Mikki Smith, Natalie Knazik, Nick Tschernia, Patrick Hsieh, Stephen Gabauer, Zhaokang Ong