7:30 PM Top of the First
Please rise and remove your caps…

Cast: Andrea Quach, Chris Lewitzke, Christine Ollinger, David Shadburn, Jamal Newman, Jason Re, Lauren Gabel, Katie Munn, Mark Benjamin, Steve Karig, Taylor Kniffin

7:38 PM LOLgorithm: Freaks, Geeks, and Beeps
Teenage AI experiences angst the same way humans do. New to high school it’s treated like the rest of the freaks and geeks. How will it cope with the pressures of young adulthood?

Cast: Craig Gagel, Betsy Milarcik, Jeanna Kim, Adam Levine, Adina Lasser, Ari Rich, Bill Nelson, Elizabeth Nelson, Grace Campion, Hannah Piper, Jack Barnes, Kelsey Peters, Mikael Johnson, Neil Baron, Samiyyah Ali

7:49 PM Silly Shark Tank
Surely nothing can go wrong when an inventor learns about their product for the first time as they enter the Shark Tank.

Cast: Madison Schneider, Jay Taylor, Liz Schurgin, Isabelle Heartnett, Carolyn Clendenin, and Becca Newton

7:58 PM Parenting Tips with Sistine Robot
We’ve matured and some of us have kids. Let’s learn together.

Cast: Paul Hitlin, Mikael Johnson, Jonathan Murphy, Joe Randazzo, Sara Rouhi, Kate Symes, Elise Webb

8:09 PM Lights, Camera, Chaos
What happens when the booth gets creative with music and lights, but has no idea what is happening on stage? Will the improvisers on stage adapt to their constantly changing environment?

Cast: Bethany Stokes, Chris Olinger (booth), Darnell Eaton, Jamal Newman, Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Kevin Eggleston, Matt Strote, Meredith Garagiola, Mikail Faalasli

8:20 PM This Show Is Just a Flex
Improvising isn’t these performers only talent.

Cast: Blind Cast

8:29 PM Small Mediums at Large Presents: Live Audience Readings
You’ve seen so called “mediums” on television, now see the Small Mediums at Large employ all the same “skills” and don’t miss the opportunity to let spirits contact YOU!

Cast: Aubrey Peterson, Andrea Quach, Arielle Rich, Katie Munn, Lauren Gabel, Tandra Turner

8:38 PM The Real Housewives of Affordable Luxury
The Real Housewives of Affordable Luxury are Bravo’s latest spinoff – and in the immortal words of the Countess Luann, this Harold team knows that money can’t buy you class.

Cast: Brent Buxton, Cassie Hoffman, Craig Gagel, Daniel Barrera, Eli Okun, Emmy Harvey-Parker, Jonah Gordon, Joseph Sandoval-Bushur, Marisa Borreggine, Morgan Burris

8:49 PM The Barber Shop Crew
CNN ain’t got nothing on BNN (Barbershop Naughty News)!

Cast: Aaron Harris, Mich’ale Simmons, Darnell Eaton, Simonica Mendes, Tracie Turnipseed, Amira Moore

9:00 PM Where?old
These longtime Harold teachers and coaches attempt to tackle the mother of all improv formats, the Harold, but with a twist: The order of scenes have been chosen completely at random. Where in the Harold are we?!

Cast: Erick Acuña, Jamal Newman, Jonathan Murphy, Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Kristina Martinez, Neil Baron, Stanley Seiden

9:15 PM Middle of the Fourth
Racers, start your engines…

Cast: Andrea Quach, Chris Lewitzke, Christine Ollinger, David Shadburn, Jamal Newman, Jason Re, Lauren Gabel, Katie Munn, Mark Benjamin, Steve Karig, Taylor Kniffin

9:18 PM Rising Stars
Come one, come all to enjoy the talent of WIT’s rising improvisers! Teachers and Level 1 and 2 students come together to delight the audience with fresh improv hilarity.

Cast: Blind Cast

LIZARD GIRL gives you that wizard feeling.

Cast: Bryce Slinger, David Brescia-Weiler, Jared Smith, Jessica Norman, Krystal Ramseur, Mikey Blunschi, Patrick Fleury

9:43 PM The Stuffed and Unscripted: An Improvised Puppet Musical
Find out what happens when puppets enter the melodic gauntlet that is musical improv.

Cast: Cale Harper, Jonah Gordon, Mike O’Connor

9:57 PM Razzle Dazzle Presents: Red-Handed
See what happens when you just can’t stop getting caught.

Cast: Meghan Faulkner, Eli Okun, Bethany Stokes

10:06 PM Broken Bones Breaking Bones
WIT’s ensemble ‘The Broken Bones’ is ready to break bones.

Cast: Erick Acuña, Neil Baron, Geoff Corey, Darnell Eaton, Eva Lewis, Kristina Martinez, Kelsey Peters

10:19 PM The Amazing Harold Houdini Presents: ABRACADAPROV
You WILL believe your eyes when you see these marvelous magic tricks and incredible illusions performed live on stage.

Cast: John Carroll, Jordana Mishory, Macey Schiff

10:28 PM Inside Out 3
See inside the mind of now 30-year old Riley as her now new adult emotions take life head-on.

Cast: Avalon Warner-Gonzales, Gabby Villegas, Jake Goodman, Kathryn Evans, Kelly Shannon, Richard Johnson, Scott Backer, Simone Gannage

10:37 PM Improvised Slam Poetry
We come to this this place for (improv) magic. And now, poetry.

Cast: Blind Cast

10:44 PM Spider-Man is Dead!
Spider-Man is dead and J. Jonah Jameson and several of his most trusted, handsome and intelligent friends are here to tell you the truth about this so called “hero”.

Cast: John Heiser, Alex Kazanas, David Lapkoff, David Shadburn, Matt Strote

10:53 PM Delicious Democracy
Move your mind, shake your booty, and loop through the folds of a future where politics feels good. Who’s cooking up something good for your ears to see? Delicious Democracy.

Cast: Sam Bonar

11:00 PM Town Talk: An Improvised Town List-Serv
We read the craziest emails from our Town’s List-serv, then perform improv based upon those premises and characters to ponder: what if these characters met face to face?

Cast: Robin Doody; Mike Moran; Levi Shanks

11:09 PM DILF Prov
Wait till you see what these dads can do.

Cast: Blind Cast

11:18 PM Tags For Ages
We’re going to see how many scenes we can cram into a short show.

Cast: John Carroll, Adam Fishbein, Thomas Harris, Alex Kazanas, David Lapkoff, and Renan Snowden

11:27 PM Middle of the Seventh
Stretch time…

Cast: Andrea Quach, Chris Lewitzke, Christine Ollinger, David Shadburn, Jamal Newman, Jason Re, Lauren Gabel, Katie Munn, Mark Benjamin, Steve Karig, Taylor Kniffin

11:30 PM Captcha Troll
A troll get’s creative with their under the bridge riddles.

Cast: Devin Hiett, Erick Acuña, Kae Tvrdy, Kelsey Peters, Madeline Dozier, Tim Montgomery

11:35 PM Violet & Veruca offer sweet sweet life advice
Feeling blue? Relationship or job issues gumming up the works? Feeling squirrelly about something in your future? You just got a golden ticket to some sweet sweet life advice, courtesy of Violet Beauregarde and Veruca Salt.

Cast: Jordana Mishory, Liz Sanders

11:44 PM WIT Elective: Taking the Stage with Ryan McClure
It’s important for an improv team to make a good first impression.

Cast: Blind Cast

11:51 PM The Scoville Scale… of Fun!
Jalapeno? More like jalapeYES!

Cast: Alex Kazanas, Clare Mulligan, Diego Dew, Erick Acuña, Jamal Newman, John Heiser, Liz Hoke, Lori Pitts, Macey Schiff, Marissa Chaffee, Mark Chalfant, Patrick Fleury, Shawn Peabody, Simonica Mendes

12:01 AM New York Times Puzzle Smackdown
Wordle and connections, but made competitive.

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Hannah Piper

12:07 AM The History of Humans on Earth in 5 Minutes
Perhaps the most scientifically accurate portrayal of evolution ever attempted in 5-minutes on stage.

Cast: Blind Cast

12:12 AM The Adams Morgan Booster Committee
Yes, you can do that in Adams Morgan.

Cast: Meghan Faulkner

12:17 AM Cinema-shory: THE CAST
Like rewatching your favorite movie? You’ll love seeing it interpreted live. And the cast could very well be you!

Cast: Audience Members, Jordana Mishory

12:26 AM Murder on the Dance Floor
Someone dropped dead on the dance floor! Can our players solve the mystery?

Cast: Madison Schneider, Jay Taylor, Lauren Gabel, Liz Schurgin, Izzy Hartnett, Carolyn Clendenin, Devika Daga, Jordan Myers, Becca Newton, and Lee Gimpel

12:33 AM Human Knot: Corporate Retreat Gone Wrong
What’s worse than a corporate retreat? Having to do the human knot at a corporate retreat.

Cast: Blind Cast

12:40 AM Vikings Fix Your Life
Have a problem that needs fixing? Let 2 Vikings help you out with that.

Cast: Jonah Gordon, Turner Meeks

12:45 AM The Cat Needs Medicine
Oh no! This is not going to go well.

Cast: Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Madeline Dozier

12:50 AM Veraprovity: An Honest Show
Seeking healthy(ish) volunteers to test a new lie detector on the WIT stage.

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Claire Brisse, Matt Alexander, Mikki Smith, Natalie Knazik, Nick Tschernia, Peter Tzeng, Sam Ruback

12:55 AM Rick Love’s Set Break
Rick Q. Love is taking a break between songs to field your questions about the L-word. No, not “lounge,” pally. Love!!

Cast: Alex Kazanas

1:00 AM Improv with Steve Wilkos
Steve Wilkos does improv in a way that only Steve Wilkos can.

Cast: John Carroll, Christine Olinger, Carl Isee, Matt Alexander, Mikali Faalasli, Hannah Piper, Erick Acuña, James Zipadelli, Joe Randazzo, Alex Abbott, Elizabeth Cutler, Jordana Mishory, Geoff Corey, David Richman, Sophia Peerzada

1:07 AM Invacation
Did you go on a great vacation recently? This show will give it the praise it deserves.

Cast: Blind Cast

1:12 AM Sue BirdProv
What the WNBA would be like if only birds could play.

Cast: Kae Tvrdy, Madeline Dozier

1:17 AM Hack-y Sack
Never. Let it. Drop. 

Cast: Amber Bellsdale, Emily Bramowitz, Gwendolyn Bogard, Jordana Mishory, Macey Schiff, Mikki Smith

1:22 AM Tony Soprano Tries a Harold
Tony Soprano tries his hand at a one-man improv set.

Cast: Turner Meeks

1:27 AM Vin Diesel Family Hour
A large group of people dressed as Vin Diesel showing you what family is all about.

Cast: Al-Hassan Koroma, Bethany Stokes, Devin Hiett, Erick Acuña, Jonah Gordon, Kelsey Peters, Lauren Gabel, Macey Schiff, Madeline Dozier, Nora Dell, Nicole Barrett, Ryan McCloskey, Tim Montgomery

1:32 AM Come Clean
We’re not afraid of big feelings here, but somehow they all lead to tears.

Cast: Blind Cast

1:37 AM Intrusive Thots
Intrusive thots: The demons on your shoulder are out to play.. and something’s telling me this first date isn’t going to go so well for you if your intrusive thots have anything to do with it.

Cast: Allison Yolo, Devin Hiett, Erick Acuña, Kae Tvrdy, Kelsey Peters, Madeline Dozier, Meghan Faulkner, Turner Meeks

1:44 AM Joe Randazzo Plays Zip Zap Zop by Himself
It’s all there in the title.

Cast: Joe Randazzo

1:49 AM Dance: Lost in Translation
Aliens have come to Earth, but they only communicate through interpretive dance. Let’s see how well our translators do under pressure.

Cast: Madison Schneider, Becca Newton, Izzy Hartnett, and Devika Daga

1:54 AM Hop to it
Improv, unbalanced.

Cast: Blind Cast

1:59 AM Old Spicy
Please don’t look away. We just want to be seen.

Cast: Kelsey Peters, Tim Montgomery

2:05 AM Fish Lovers
For the love of salmon.

Cast: Sarah Herhold & Jonah Gordon

2:10 AM Bad in Bed
Our favorite position is starfish.

Cast: Bethany Stokes, Clare Mulligan, Devin Hiett, Geoff Corey, John Heiser, Jordana Mishory, Kelsey Peters, Liz Hoke, Marissa Chaffee, Natalie Knazik, Patrick Fleury, Peter Jones, Sarah Baldwin, Tom Di Liberto

It’s an improv dance party!!! Join DJ extraordinaire STEEEEEVO for the best improvised ‘DJ set’ of your life!

Cast: Stephen Stahr

2:22 AM The Empire Sweep-Edits Back
In galaxy not so far away, the Star Wars Empire will edit your scenes!

Cast: Blind Cast

2:27 AM Milk, Milk, Milk! Presents: The Gallon Challenge
Ever wonder what an improv set would be like if the entire cast chugged a gallon of milk right before performing? Milk, Milk, Milk! is here to help you find out.

Cast: Allison Yolo, Devin Hiett, Kelsey Peters, Madeline Dozier