Sarah Bucher

Sarah Bucher accidentally started her comedy career in middle school with a series bad sketches filmed on her friend’s camcorder.  She loves really bad puns.

Sarah moved to Washington, D.C. after graduating from NC State in Raleigh, NC. Still unsure if it was a thoughtful gift or a hint, Sarah’s sister enrolled her in a WIT class as a graduation gift. To her sister’s dismay, Sarah’s puns only grew worse. Sarah can be found playing with DC indie teams The Quitters, Sábado Picante, and Rancy Neagan.

In addition to being funnier than average, Sarah likes to dance with her arms and thinks you would just love her Mason jar salads. At one point in her life, all of Sarah’s exes lived in Texas. When she tried to journal about being a country song cliché, all she was left with was a reminder to buy Q-tips.

Favorite Word
Hidden Talent
Sleeping during any movie, no matter how interested I am in watching it