Macey Schiff

A friend once described Macey as "existing in the chaos", and it resonated. Hard.

As a freshman at the University of Delaware, Macey was basically bullied into auditioning for her college improv troupe by her friend Mike, and she’s so glad that she gave in to the peer pressure for a change. Like many others before her, Macey had no idea how much her life in DC would change when she signed up for her first class at WIT, and she loves it so much that sometimes she still can’t believe it’s real and will tell you about how it happened  ≈12 times (at least).
She has been performing for nearly 10 year and is currently a member of WIT ensemble Madeline, director of WIT Special Project Improv Actually, and performs/gets into general nonsense with her indie team, Reina. She loves all of them and will tell you how much she loves all of them ≈24 times (at least).
In addition to improv, Macey enjoys confetti, being at the front for concerts, Edward Norton, and telling you how much she loves things, but like, *actually* loves them.”

Photo by Jeff Salmore

Current Ensemble
Favorite past Halloween costumes
Gulliver of Gulliver's Travels, Wishbone (the dog), Dorothy (4 times over), A Dinosaur

Macey loves helping companies find their voice through branding and design, and is currently acting as a digital communications manager overseeing social media strategy and digital design for a political non-profit.

She has extensive experience in communications, web content management, marketing, and video production. Prior to this role, Macey worked for a variety of institutions, including a real estate start-up, a global management consulting firm, and PBS. Macey holds a BA in Mass Communications with minors in Interactive Media and Theatre Studies from the University of Delaware. She resides in the District of Columbia with her adopted and not-at-all spoiled pup, Dante.

Nothing has single handedly caused such a positive pivot and impact in Macey’s life as her discovery of WIT in 2013. She currently performs with WIT ensemble Madeline, is the proud coach of WIT ensemble Hellcat, and performed with and directed the WIT Special Project, Improv Actually. Macey is thrilled to join the board and help continue WIT’s mission of bringing improv to the DC community.

A friend once described Macey as "existing in the chaos", and it resonated. Hard.

Above all else, she wants her classroom to be a place where students feel comfortable to experiment, ask questions, and grow. She encourages finding the “truth in comedy”, and play that includes elements grounded in reality and emotion, while also leaning into the chaos and following the fun that comes naturally comes from creating something out of nothing. She loves that improv can be a way to explore situations and ideas that we can’t always do “in real life”, and encourages her students to embrace all of the opportunities that the DC improv community presents.

Student feedback

“I loved Macey. By far my favorite instructor in the WIT program. She is very personable and provided a supportive environment. She was also receptive to the needs of the class. One of the reasons I enjoyed coming to class was because of her. Highly recommended! ”

“Macey was incredibly engaged and very present in classes. She encouraged us and made failing a totally viable option and then showed us how/why we failed and we learned from that. She also did a great job of matching pitch with our class, there were a wide range of personalities in class and I felt like she personally connected with all of us. ”

“She’s amazing- great feedback, super useful exercises and she explains things really well. She always has the best comments. And our class bonded so well, and she wanted to be a part of that.”

Current Ensemble